The allies defeated Hitler in no small part cos so many brilliant people fled Europe for the US. Fascist dictatorships inevitably create brain drains. Trump has just slashed funds for medical research. The best & brightest will leave. We should invite them here.
Do you realise what damage they have done/are doing to the fabric of Australian culture?
They would include white skin, MAGA membership and fringe beliefs in their respective disciplines.
We need a new Labor govt & a firm but subdued rejection of all things MAGA.
THEN we will see the influx of smart talent.
I'm always surprised by how many Aussies went to live there as I couldn't stand a bar of it/them and could nor would ever leave Australia permanently for anything or anybody.
I hear he was one extremely smart man & scientist.
What was his name again? Oh, that's right, Albert Einstein.
Bring them down under. Spot on Jane.
Offer them a 'great deal' to come down under ... join the CSIRO etc.
Grant them and their families visas.
If Trump ain't want them ... well, why not bring them down under?
America will have to negotiate with us if they want them to return home.
I consider it also a great 'soft power' idea.
I speak to Americans and Canadians every day via ham radio.
They could build our own version.
We could share it with our ANZAC mates over the ditch.
We could take the pre-approved Afghan refugees as well.