The 9/11 responded should’ve been a law enforcement issue. Seal Tram Six, CIA, and if needed a small number of troops maybe a bomb raid or two depending on the situation
Yeah. Immediately after 9/11, I supported the war (raised in a conservative household). But when we were still fucking there three years later (and I was 16), I thought it was absurd and an tragedy.
I mean, I was the same way going from someone that turned 10 over a month after 9/11 happened to the point I was in my teen years myself (I believe when I was 14 was when shit really started clicking more for me on that end). Went for support via revenge to enough is enough after a while of war.
To be honest, my main concern in high school was whether Boy X of the month liked me or not, and I’m not 100% sure whether I knew Iraq wasn’t directly behind the attacks on 9/11. So if you’d have asked me back then I probably would have said that I supported the war. Teens are dumb.
My father, who has since died, called me the week before it started and said “this must be how good people in Germany felt in the 1930s” and boy have I had opportunity to quote that ever since.
I missed a lot of it though because I was studying in Dublin during the fall of 2002. Interesting time to be one of the only Americans in classes on international law and the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.
which would be not entirely insane except they refuse to incorporate a general 'p(war is good)=p(war is good idea)*p(war is executed well)' when the last term is obviously like .00001
the last person I ran into IRL (4 years ago now) who wholeheartedly supported it as "defending freedom" was a dave rubin listener who simply had no idea who paul wolfowitz, doug feith, donald rumsfeld etc even were. time flies.
Got sent to the principal’s office many times for keeping my ass planted during the pledge of allegiance out of protest for that bullshit President and that bullshit war. Gained nothing but I’m still glad to do it.
Support for the Iraq war was Chritopher Hitchens' biggest flaw, but he at least had his own reasons for it that didn't involve oil. He genuinely believed that removing Saddam was the right thing to do for the Iraqi people, but he didn't realise that that was as much a smokescreen as the WMDs
Right before the US invaded Iraq, I ran into an old friend from high school on my way to work one morning and we got to talking. I said “I really hope we don’t go to war with Iraq.” He said “why not? It’ll help us feel better.” Now he’s a shit tier RW influencer.
Okay so when we look back at the percentage of the American public that supported the war and the percentage that now acknowledge that they supported the war. Those two numbers have no relationship to each other.
Thinking of my neighbor, the answers are yes and yes. For bonus points, I’m told (didn’t know him then) that he strongly supported the Vietnam War but somehow never made it over there.
Those people show up on every issue: abortion rights trans rights immigration rights everywhere. They have big platforms and use them to hector more powerless people instead of using them for the causes they claim to support
It didn’t help that the country was so hell bent on war that any antiwar voice was kept out of the press, and either lost their careers or never got a chance to establish them. All were left with are the Matty Yglesias and Ezra Kleins that papered over their support with tepid mea culpas
“The hippies may be narrowly correct to oppose the war, but they don’t help their cause by badmouthing the Democrats, it weakens effective opposition,” said the guy who spends all day badmouthing the hippies.
just under half of senate dems and about 60% of house dems voted against the iraq war, although the dem
leadership and all "serious" presidential candidates supported bush.
lee was the lone vote against the declaration of war on terror after 9/11
i decided afterwards it was my red line. i don’t vote for anyone who supported or voted for the war and immediately put writers/journalists who supported it on the pay no mind list. every single one should spend the rest of their days trying to atone away from any and all levers of power at minimum
I watched my fellow poli-sci grad students start saying that we would easily win against a sanctioned Iraq. They didn’t think it would go the obvious way it was going to go.
It’s why I had a hard time believing Code Pink is now full of shit.
makes me want to wander off into the forest and live out the rest of my days as a hermit
like, the USA stepped on a banana peel and 500,000-a million people died.
leadership and all "serious" presidential candidates supported bush.
lee was the lone vote against the declaration of war on terror after 9/11
It’s why I had a hard time believing Code Pink is now full of shit.