Sorry Chris Hayes you have a couple of co-workers you might know them two face fake Mika and balless Joe Scrotumburrow. And you can think them to spineless turn coats for losing mine and a lot of other people's viewership on the entire network. Continued
And that's a damn shame because you and Lawrence O'Donnell were the two main reasons why I even tuned in. My suggestion is if they don't get rid of them you and Lawrence need to go and follow Rachel's advice and do podcast. Then I'll follow along otherwise no. Please consider this.
Why is it so hard for MSM to just tell the truth. Keep personal feelings out of news. I miss the good old days before 24 hr news became a thing. It becomes about filling your time slot and not the news. Don’t want opinions.
Sorry. Long time viewer and I shut off MSNBC when I heard Morning Joe blaming trans people, before he and Mika went to MAL to genuflect. Sorry, as long as that show remains, I'm not viewing. Joe & Mika are just like Ted & Heidi Cruz. Bootlickers. Ass-kissers.
I would love to watch your show & but I can no longer support MSNBC as a result of going Mar-A-Lago! That was unconscionable
Sorry Chris...I will not be joining you tonight or any night until Joe and Mika are taken out of their positions for their naked suck-up bootlicking behavior.
It was abhorrent and I will not watch Trump media, which apparently MSNBC wants to start participating in.
Chris, I cannot watch for the foreseeable future. I’m missing all of my favorite MSNBC hosts but living in constant fear and outrage is physically and mentally detrimental to me.
If you meet "morning Joe", yell "boot licker", on my behalf, just tell him to get a job in Indian media, to practice what we call #Godhi_media. Meaning "lapdog media". Start practicing.
Watched MSNBC all day long and evening long. Only one person I don’t like listening to, Chuck Todd. Joe and Mika the jury is out after they went to Mara-logo to kiss Trumps’ ring. They need to get me back.
It makes no sense. I can understand boycotting Mica and Joe cause it's deserved but boycotting the whole network is a mistake. I haven't seen the other hosts holding back on Trump. If MSNBC goes it's not a good thing for our side.
Throwing out the baby with the bath water.
Seriously, a lot of people still watch news on tv. If MSNBC goes belly up, that leaves Fox and CNN. And we know how that will go. I'm 80 and I know many older people who watch tv news. They vote. I want MSNBC to survive for those voters!
Sorry Chris. I am done with cable TV. I am done with MSNBC. You all were way off, not even close. And the truth is it's all about money for both sides. And it sickens me
Not going to follow MSNBC anymore if it has Republican pundits. Just tell us what they are saying. Get a new type of magic board that just shows the options and impacts.
Going to watch, please don't bring anyone one to tell us what was wrong with Vice President Harris's campaign. Michele Norris had it correct today on Nichole Wallace. A large % of Amercans wouldn't vote for Vice President Harris first because she was a women, second she was black.
Awww. I'm hearing a cry for help. Who hurt you that you feel the need to lash out at strangers on the Internet? Right now at least we still have the ACA, and mental health is covered, so if you need to talk to someone, you can find help. If you're uninsured, there are free hotlines. used to work
I'll follow you, but I am off msnbc as I'm not happy with the message morning Joe is sending. Thanks for your many insightful shows, but I'd rather read you than support the corporate agenda.
You're one of the last good ones at MSNBC Chris, but honestly, if people of your caliber joined Mehdi Hasan at you'd be helping to forge the future of anti-corporate truth-to-power media.
Am massively disappointed in your colleagues’ Joe and Mika visit to Trump and Mara Loco. What were they thinking? Am also disappointed in MSNBC’s web stonewall to viewers’ comments. Onward to P 25 resistance!
Chris, you need to dig into Joe and Mika’s shitty Trump meeting.
Please treat it like an issue that needs in-depth discussion. I know that’s dicey but someone needs to address the utter clusterfuck their meeting has become.
Same. Tired of the both-sides corporate media that got us here. And if anyone thinks MSNBC or anyone will go more left (or toward realism) in the Trump era, good luck with that.
I just took a lyft home from the airport. Driver was a nice man who immigrated here from Iran. He said he left Iran to get away from religious dictatorship and now to his shock he believes it’s going to happen here under Trump. This man escaped oppression only to find it here now. Let that marinate.
Is anyone going to address the situation with Joe and Mika, or are we supposed to just politely ignore their capitulation to the guy they both branded a threat to democracy and a fascist?
Donny Deutsch isn't much better ... the "we all have to come together" with fact deniers is grotesque.
What we are witnessing is the table being set for the biggest fraud perpetrated against the American taxpayer in history. Trump's priority has always been self-enrichment. Everything else is smoke and mirrors.
Right now I need a break from horrible political news and our loss. My spirit needs a cleanser…so I will only dip my toe a bit onto your feed for the time being.
Going forward, promise us that you will provide the absolute truth on all topics. Drill down hard on these cabinet decisions, and don’t give any of those clowns air time. You know of whom I speak. As Voltaire once said: “those who believe in absurdities, commit atrocities.” This is real time.
That’s exactly what they want you to do. So many people I know that voted for turd said they just couldn’t watch the news…it was so upsetting. My question is then how do you make an informed decision?? They want the informed voter to go away.
Living in the constant state of outrage I have since 2015 is no longer sufferable for me, especially with this outcome. My physical and mental health can no longer sustain the daily exposure to all of this madness. I know you didn’t ask me but I hope you don’t mind me chiming in.
I finally realized how awful it was for them to treat this presidential election like a horse race instead of like the literal choice between good and evil that it was, and how insane it was for me to sit there and watch them as they did that. I'm actually angrier at myself than I am at MSNBC.
Older people vote. And as one of them, every person my age watches cable news.
If MSNBC is tanked, that leaves Fox and CNN for their options. If you care about winning back the government, you should be dissing Joe and Mika, not all of the other hosts. Voice anger to MSNBC re:J&M! I did!
If you have two compliant lickspittles at a news network and nobody says anything, then you have a news network of compliant lickspittles. Disappointing, but them’s the rules.
thank you dick durbin..
for your strength this is not a war of retribution it is genocide I love the Jewish people and Israel....put women and children are not a threat to the Jewish people
Start reporting about the recount and audit needed, bring Stephen Spoonamore on like Thom Hartmann did! Be brave and get after it. MAYBE we will watch then!
I have completely disengaged from MSNBC. You guys will never see me tuning in again. After what happened with Joe and Mika, I have grown very weary of MSM lying their as**s off and mostly normalizing 45.
Get your resume ready, you will need it. After decades of lies you are FINALLY seeing what happens when push comes to shove. No one on your network should have anyone watching. The ones that do are just stupid. I cant wait to see you all ripped off the tv and in the welfare line.
I signed up here while you were reporting it on your show thank you! Hey somebody should report the metrics, kind of like when people registered to vote straight from Taylor Swift's link when she endorsed Kamala. Get Kornacki on that breakdown! ☮️🦋
The posts hating on @MSNBC are over the top. Contrary to many posts MSNBC is very profitable.
If you want an entire cable news/commentary network saying only stuff you like, I recommend switching to Fox.
"Trump’s “overt vindictiveness” could lead officials to slow-walk deals to hurt their value for “revenge."
It was abhorrent and I will not watch Trump media, which apparently MSNBC wants to start participating in.
No thank you.
Seriously, a lot of people still watch news on tv. If MSNBC goes belly up, that leaves Fox and CNN. And we know how that will go. I'm 80 and I know many older people who watch tv news. They vote. I want MSNBC to survive for those voters!
It’s just between us Chris, no one will know.
Please treat it like an issue that needs in-depth discussion. I know that’s dicey but someone needs to address the utter clusterfuck their meeting has become.
Donny Deutsch isn't much better ... the "we all have to come together" with fact deniers is grotesque.
Sex perverts are in control of the Government!
This is what happened when Americans FA then FO
If MSNBC is tanked, that leaves Fox and CNN for their options. If you care about winning back the government, you should be dissing Joe and Mika, not all of the other hosts. Voice anger to MSNBC re:J&M! I did!
for your strength this is not a war of retribution it is genocide I love the Jewish people and Israel....put women and children are not a threat to the Jewish people
Cons - You work among some real assholes
If I come back to MSNBC, i’ll see you at 8
Maybe you should all quit together and do a more liberal version of the Bulwark? I would subscribe.
Lakoff Truth Sandwich. Psychology!
Love you but some of your colleagues not so much.
Or live showing your own posts?
If you want an entire cable news/commentary network saying only stuff you like, I recommend switching to Fox.