Alito wants us to believe he read Playboy for the articles, then he gave the edition to Clarence Thomas who wanted to read it for the pictures!
Also, Alito pretending he doesn't know what PornHub is hilarious. I'm sure Ted Cruz helped him set up his account!
Has there ever been any other Supreme Court quote that illustrated a justice being more out of touch and not equipped to make decisions for a rapidly evolving society?
But that's not what I'm referring to. People are spreading this around and making fun of him as if he were really wondering whether Pornhub ever did journalism.
In any case, the age-verification thing is idiotic and unconstitutional, and Alito is all for it, but his point itself wasn't dumb.
He could have simply asked if there was other content on the site that was not "obscene," like a real jurist and not a repressed sex perv who practices self-flagellation.
Sure. My point is just that people are making fun of him based entirely on a false premise.
And hell, if it were a decent jurist who used snark in a similar way on the right side of a case, we'd all be applauding him. (I don't think we should applaud him, to be clear).
As I recall, when faced with the scantily clad customer who is short on money, the plumber will frequently take the opportunity to expound on the concepts of reality, existence, and multi-dimensional universes when explaining that there might be an alternative to cash for the service in question.
Yes, the museums' complaints were weak and absurd, but Pornhub still quickly caved. Had they pushed back and defended their right to editorialize and comment on public domain works and public museums, they would have a stronger position today.
I’m almost the same age as he is, and “I only read it for the articles” was one of the watchwords of our age cohort. Fiction by Nobel laureates, great advice on how to put together a boss stereo system… What’s not to like?
A Gore Vidal quote as I remember from one his books. A colleague commenting on beat poetry: “99% of this is crap!” He replied “99% of everything is crap”! Applies whole heartedly to Alito and his MAGA bros.
If you use "Gore Vidal" as a search term on PornHub, it gives you a warning that you may be searching for illegal material, and sends you back to the home page."
"I read Playboy for the articles, baby! I swear!!"
More seriously, this case is ridiculous. If people paid for their porn, even a $1 fee, a bank could tell the site if the card holder is of age. If it turns out a kid used their mom or dad's card to buy a membership, the parents can handle that.
So, you already can't buy alcohol without showing an ID, even with a giftcard, no?
It's a similar model, except we're saying to adult sites "you have to check the card holder's age with the bank AND you can't accept anonymous payments (giftcards or bitcoin) because your content is age restricted."
I always wondered about the authenticity of the letters to the editor in “Playboy.” Oh, and I scarcely need to add that I was only looking at “Playboy” for the articles, of course.
“Of course my friends think me perverse for being interested in such a primitive cultur, byt there’s no accounting for tastes, is there?” — Visit to a Small Planet (I played the lead in high school.)
It's really sad that I can't tell whether he was serious or trolling everyone here and I'd doubt I'd be able to tell even if I had the context of hearing how he said it.
Also, Alito pretending he doesn't know what PornHub is hilarious. I'm sure Ted Cruz helped him set up his account!
The hand Clarence Thomas uses to jack off with.
In any case, the age-verification thing is idiotic and unconstitutional, and Alito is all for it, but his point itself wasn't dumb.
And hell, if it were a decent jurist who used snark in a similar way on the right side of a case, we'd all be applauding him. (I don't think we should applaud him, to be clear).
Ah, the adventures of a slut
Oh, I'm a market they can't glut
I don't know what
Compares with smut
Hip hip hooray!
Let's hear it for the Supreme Court!
Don't let them take it away!
Written by: Thomas A Lehrer
If only things like precedent and law mattered. 😂
and Gore Vidal's were great. there were some excellent contributors to that mag.
Because his name is "Gore."
I hope that didn't get me on some kind of list.
Sadly, her husband is NOT William F. Buckley.
More seriously, this case is ridiculous. If people paid for their porn, even a $1 fee, a bank could tell the site if the card holder is of age. If it turns out a kid used their mom or dad's card to buy a membership, the parents can handle that.
It's a similar model, except we're saying to adult sites "you have to check the card holder's age with the bank AND you can't accept anonymous payments (giftcards or bitcoin) because your content is age restricted."
If that’s too difficult, take it up with manufacturer.
Don’t put the responsibility on us adults.
Be a parent! Pay attention to your children! It’s YOUR responsibility, not ours.
He is so out of touch with real American life and the times, that he thinks Hefner is still in charge and was hoping to be invited to the mansion!