The USA has forgotten Quid pro quo and the impeachment way too quickly. The war wouldn't have happened if Trump were president because he would have given Putin Ukraine.
I wish he had just said, ‘Phuck off Donny, no peace till they get the phuck outta Ukraine’.
Then stood up and walked over and given jello filled Vance a head nuggy…and a ‘what’s up’ to the spineless and dickless Marco Rubio! Then left!
I'm just waiting for them to rename Washington to New Moscow, NY to New Yekaterinburg (so they can keep all the I❤️NY merch), and Los Angeles to New St. Petersburg.
I almost used “TFG” the other day, but then thought he’s really “TCG” (current) but I don’t know if that will catch on because it doesn’t have the same pejorative quality.
WBD? Wanna Be Dictator?
I’m just riffing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I have never been more ashamed of an American President and Vice President in my life! Biden rarely mentioned Trump's name when criticizing the previous administration, but Trump lives on lies about Biden.
Lies about everything and anything. When he doesn't have a lie handy or setup, he'll word wander for several hundred words, then ask for the next question
I find I can't watch any live coverage on Trump. His voice turns my stomach, as does his face. It may have something to do with his constant lies and bad mouthing of the previous administration.
Trump's yes man keep telling him, most likely by his order, on social media that he is so courageous and all of America supports this.
God that really bothers me. It just makes me feel sick and helpless. like nothing I say or do matters, But I'm not alone. how do you feel about what happened in the oval office today? I don't think Trump represented American values.
You have a much bigger platform than any of us, at least on this thread.
please, speak out to the fact that NOT ALL OF AMERICA is for this.
#Zelenskyy, incredible leader! There he sat, surrounded by #magas #FeloniousTrump and #JDVance, unflinching! One yutz(hiding behind a lamp)asked him why he was not in a suit to respect the office, trying to intimidate? U.S. leadership, ridiculous, not serious ppl. Embarrassing. #PutinApparatchiks
Zelensky stood up for the challenge. I am ashamed of the whitehouse. BTW the dude asking why Z comes to the Oval Office without a suit, Z should have responded why the republicans come to the Oval Office without a spine.
I guess Ukraine will resort to nuclear warheads now. They have the material and knowledge. One estimate it would take them 30-90 days. Thank you Trump and hillbilly, that makes Jethro Boudine look like a genius, JD Vance.
Had this conversation with my husband last week. I said Zelenskyy would make Trump an offer he couldn’t refuse just to watch him refuse it. There can be no doubt in anyone’s mind now that Trump is batting for Russia.
This is what I like about blue sky. There's people here that can look Beyond the normal. It's obvious Trump was trying to get him to cave, and also knew that they were going to harass him again. But he stood up and told them to fuck off. NATO and the Euros have his back and I think he knows it
Then they made Lindsey lol get out there and snarl into the mic. Talk about an ax over his head. Last week he sounded pro Ukraine.
I could not have sat there when jd instigated & triggered donnie & they were screaming. Listening, I was making the same faces as Zelenskyy!!
USA is not a good partner
That you make a really really good point. I don't think zelensky was going there to do any kind of deal making with rare earth metals and others. I think he was going there waiting for his chance to tell them all off and go fuck themselves. I think he knows Europe has his back
Yeah man I’m sure Zelensky feels great knowing his arms dealer is openly backing his invaders. I’m sure he feels VERY reassured about negotiating an outcome. Jesus Christ
Yes and frankly why are Trump
& Vance taking credit for helping Ukraine. It was Biden who is a real leader who stood against tyrants & cared for people’s lives.
These two holes are just rude grifters. He’s not your servant that he thinks he is insulting- just to kiss master Putin’s ass! Sickoes!!
I seriously cannot ever in my wildest imagination believe Trump could begin to learn another language given that he can barely speak his own coherently.
Still, how was Zelensky supposed to understand tRump's "cards" reference? When you speak to someone from a foreign country, you should know better than to use idioms.
Z: I’m leading one of the greatest war efforts against your enemy and ready to gift precious resources to the US…..
"Perfect" is a bit...
No, I mean he knows the language, but his accent is thicc and he rarely speaks English in public. There are almost no such clips as below lately, because Putin playing the role of a strong dictator and speaks Russian almost all the time.
Officially, he wants to show everyone that he knows English, French and German... In reality, he barely speaks literature russian language nowadays constantly switching to "gopnik jargon", though =)
"Мы как мученики попадём в рай, а они просто сдохнут"
Henry Kissinger apparently always used a translator with German counterparts even though German was his native language. The delicacies of diplomatic jargon required special training. I thought that was fascinating.
It is a power
Move and propaganda point for him to always use an interpreter. In Helsinki, he didn’t need an interpreter to get his point across to Trump.
I thought Zelensky was attacked by Trump and Vance. And with no comment from Rubio. What happened to American diplomacy. Of course the Ukrainians want some proof of security from Russia. Zelensky tried to explain how
Long the aggression from Russia has been going on but Trump and Vance ignored that
I was hoping the UFC could string together a main bout with Zelenskyy versus Trump and Vance. I don’t think it would last more than a minute. Those 2 bullies would wet themselves and whine like toddlers. They are an embarrassment and weak individuals.
Trump said today that President Zelenskyy isn’t tough without the 🇺🇸, that says a lot coming from a guy that said he had bone spurs and couldn’t fight for his country.
He was magnificent today. I’m glad he left the meeting but wish he’d left sooner. It turned sideways very quickly. Trump and Vance embarrassed our entire country. Good for you President Zelenskyy for standing up to bullies!! You’re amazing. Carry on.
Actually Putin speaks English well enough to talk to 47 without interpreters in private. And supposedly speaks German too. Seems like we’re one of the few with a monolingual (and even that is debatable) head of state.
What about Trump? His English is even worse than it's ever been and his bullying tactics are repulsive. What an embarrassment for America. Get rid of him.
Damned Right!
"Very Disrespectful"!
The Most Disrespectful President/VP-In ALL Of American History!
#Zelenskyy was showing pictures of #Ukraine POWs!
#Trump and #Vance Cared ONLY About "The Minerals Deal"!
NO Talk of Helping Another #Democracy Against Invader #Russia!
Just 'Strong-Arming'!
Just to be yelled at by 2 stupid bullies! I can’t forgive people that voted him into office you’ve screwed us all and put us in bed with Putin. Trump is Not my President.
And after today, if you still don't see that this administration is working for PUTIN, I don't know who will!
And I would add another proof: Trump is implementing tariffs on every friendly country... But you don't see him implementing tariffs on RUSSIA! 🤔 TRUMP AND J.D. VANCE ARE JUST TRAITORS!
His message was drowned out by the two thugs. They deliberately attacked on tv to appear like thugs. Why did Maga trump shove Zelensky on his left shoulder? A show of force?
It's disheartening to see the Democrats tip-toeing around how to play 'opposition', without ever getting any point across. What would I give for a Democrat with the guts shown by President Zelensky today, or at least the cordial but firm way in which President Macron stood his ground recently!
Where are your protests? If this was happening in my country, we would have filled the city center with people! Why is the white house not surrounded and blocked by protesters?
Give it a month. Those 10's of millions will start realizing their benefits aren't coming and there's no-one left to answer the phone. Hell hath no fury...
And there are more and more of us who hope the US does not survive this, because if it does, it will take even more nations down. All we can hope is that the demise of the US is speedy and complete. Then the rest of the world can breathe, and rebuild.
There is nothing we can do to stop what he is and will do to our nation. I do give $ to support the legal challenges, and those will at least slow things down a bit and hopefully inform more people about the horror. Other than that, all we have is the vote...and that didn't work out well last time.
That’s where you are wrong my friend! You need to actively get involved and you won’t feel so defeated. There are great things happening around the nation that you could participate in. You must seek and find them if your goal is to truly save democracy. A weak man sits on his hands!
I hear ya. And my wife and I are neck deep involved in our community. It does help our mental state, but it will not stop what is coming from this thug regime. But thank you for your strength.
Trump's deteriorating in his language skills and ability to form cohesive statements. He now resembles the little old man at the end of the bar who hollers and yells and nobody pays attention to him.
This is going to be rough for Ukraine because of satellite support etc. Europe. Step the f up. There now really is an axis of evil, and America's in it.
Yes, "I'm speaking English to you because it's the only language YOU know" is a nice comeback.
But in fairness, the US is quite large to where our ability to travel to a country that doesn't speak English is not very often. It's not like driving from NY to DE involves two language changes.
My main criticism is the rudeness, the lack of diplomacy, the interruptions, the indecency, the ganging up...... at a desperate, heroic leader who has made a huge effort to learn YOUR language as HIS country is being attacked. And BTW, VZ learned English while he was in the Ukraine. So yeah. No.
No no no I am agreeing that small minded fotus can only speak one language and not very good. And he had to make a big production of signing a EO making English the official language. Easy now
Oops. As of today, Trump changed that because he is taking all his plays from the 1970s Jumanji board he found in an attic. English as official language was dead issue for 35 years which was last time Trump had an IQ above a sand flea.
There are moments in history that reveal the true character of leadership—Today, the world bore witness to such a moment—a catastrophic failure (by Trump and Vance), of diplomacy wrapped in arrogance, insecurity, and stunning ignorance.
The fact that those sad excuses for human beings had the audacity to treat anyone like that let alone zelensky, is not going to bode well for regular peoppe. This is a warning shot. They do not have your interests at mind. Now, now is the time to mass protest. Mass general strike. It feels
Insane to me that america seems to be waiting for scotus to do the right thing... it's not looking good for yall. They have proven they do not care for rule of law, precedence or what is morally or ethically right.
Nonetheless, he should have used a translator. It would have slowed down the whole exchange and not allowed Trump and Vance to steamroll and yell the way they did.
My heart went out to him..Being ambushed like that. And trump berating him as a child who overstepped his boundaries. Vance has revealed that his nastiness knows no bounds. Disgraceful.
Zelensky grew up with Russian as the first language (this was common in Krivy Rih). When he became president, he promised to improve his Ukrainian and did (some his Ukrainian lessons were publicly broadcasted). He now speaks perfect Ukrainian.
I’m reading your book “Sirens” with Marshall McLuhan’s “The Medium is the Message” Interest. I am a linguist teacher retired but writing with his insights of how “Media shapes us more than the content”. It seems your book relates?
Yes, he improved his English greatly because that's what a real leader does. A real leader of the people puts the hard work in to get results for their constituency Don't expect any shit like that to happen here in America over 4 years. U can Expect a transfer of $ from the working class to the rich
Well said...Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy speaks English much better than trump & vance who simply yelled lies of their maga base...At least Pres Zelenskyy recalled presidents' names as opposed to trump who confused former presidents Obama and Biden...
You didn’t see those idiots at least ‘trying’ some Ukrainian.. they are shameful, embarrassing.. ‘meanwhile’ white trash in USA in the White House.. all of that is dangerous. He was firm, emphatic, and graceful
He has always known what to say. We just didn’t understand until today that he knows that we know that treason weasel and faux hillbilly are lying Russian agents and he just put them on blast in the Oval Office on international television. In English
Pretty sure Trump is picking a personal fight with Zelensky as an excuse to back out of negotiations. Trump is on Putin’s side. I’ve seen that behavior before when someone (i.e. spouse or teenager) wants to walk out the door when told not to. Start a fight & then bolt. Am I right?
Every day I think they can't get any lower. Trump and j. D vance are the most disgusting people i've ever seen. Plus the republicans that let them get away with it.
Which is more than you can say about Trump's English.
Trump spokesman B.S. Malarkey praised President Trump for making English the country’s official language. “The Administration hopes that this will encourage President Trump and his supporters to learn English and talk good.”
It's embarrassing to watch trump and vance show how little they know about foreign policy. Putin must be trump's brother from another mother because he did everything but kiss him on the lips.
Zelenskyy knows more about foreign policy and diplomacy than any of the Americans in the Oval Office today. “Deer in the headlights” Rubio sat there like an eight year old while trump had a hissy fit over not getting to sign a “big beautiful deal” and Vance acted like an angry mongoose in heat.
What a horrible meeting! An intelligent human being having to put up with such a low life, disgusting, ignorant, selfish, stupid, orange asshole threatening he and his people's very survival! And he's on TV threatening Zelensky in front of tens of millions of us who hate trumps' guts!
Yeah, Chris. People who speak shaky English have more intelligence; they are bilingual or tri-lingual in most cases; more than can be said for the cheeto. Those people learn English because they want to better themselves unlike the stunted felon.
After all is said and done, Zelenskyy will be hailed a hero. Statues will be built to his image, but Orange Turd's burial plot will get pissed on 'til the end of time!
Actually 3rd language. Russian is his first language, Ukrainian 2nd. And they aren't just different dialects; the commonality of words is only slightly more than 50%.
You know that scene from Platoon where the enemy is inside the wire and the firebase commander calls for fire on their position? Yeah, I've been thinking about that a lot recently.
I think it's one way that he shows he cares for his countrymen. Anyone who is committed to better communications, to the point of learning to speak another language better... that type of thing shows you who they are!
Retired 2nd language teacher here. The excoriation by FOTUS and JD did not in any way take into account that Z was communicating in a 2nd language he does not have mastery of. It adds to the nefariousness of their ambush.
My jaw would have dropped had it not already been in the basement when he was asked about the suit. Man is fighting a war, not dressing to please people.
I have never been so embarrassed to be an American as I am today.
My native language is English and I don't understand Trump half the time. To communicate like Zelinskyy did, while being yelled at and spoken to quickly is impressive.
Zelenski laid bare the true motives of Trump/Vance era of the US so there can't be any disguising it. It is a true grab for all world power. Trump making the remark of ' gambling with world war 3 ', he and Vance bulling tactics to another countries President and telling his to just accept scraps.
Trump and Vance got into a hateful exchange in the Oval Office in front of the cameras and the press. Trump basically wanted Zelensky to bow down to him for this deal. Zelensky wanted guarantees of security and Trump wouldn't even think about it. Vance was a hateful pig. Putin won!
Then stood up and walked over and given jello filled Vance a head nuggy…and a ‘what’s up’ to the spineless and dickless Marco Rubio! Then left!
I'm just waiting for them to rename Washington to New Moscow, NY to New Yekaterinburg (so they can keep all the I❤️NY merch), and Los Angeles to New St. Petersburg.
WBD? Wanna Be Dictator?
I’m just riffing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
God that really bothers me. It just makes me feel sick and helpless. like nothing I say or do matters, But I'm not alone.
You have a much bigger platform than any of us, at least on this thread.
please, speak out to the fact that NOT ALL OF AMERICA is for this.
“get your shit together”
The U.S. President and the Republican Party just aligned themselves with the Dictator of Russia
Please world remember most Americans are not a bunch of mediocre wannabe cowboys
The majority of REAL AMERICANS stand for democracy in Ukraine
Trump staged this ambush.
I think he thought it might help his sagging ratings with maga… he’s underwater.
I could not have sat there when jd instigated & triggered donnie & they were screaming. Listening, I was making the same faces as Zelenskyy!!
USA is not a good partner
& Vance taking credit for helping Ukraine. It was Biden who is a real leader who stood against tyrants & cared for people’s lives.
These two holes are just rude grifters. He’s not your servant that he thinks he is insulting- just to kiss master Putin’s ass! Sickoes!!
In the UK they are callin KD Vance a PIECE OF SHIT.
It’s past time for words now. Fat fuck Vance just got a lot of his supporters hurt…
Dumber than a bag of hammer handles.
tRump probably did that intentionally.
No, I mean he knows the language, but his accent is thicc and he rarely speaks English in public. There are almost no such clips as below lately, because Putin playing the role of a strong dictator and speaks Russian almost all the time.
"Мы как мученики попадём в рай, а они просто сдохнут"
Move and propaganda point for him to always use an interpreter. In Helsinki, he didn’t need an interpreter to get his point across to Trump.
Long the aggression from Russia has been going on but Trump and Vance ignored that
I suspect that was for the viewing audience watching because this administration will not voluntarily share those facts.
(I know the answer. He barely managed English.)
"Very Disrespectful"!
The Most Disrespectful President/VP-In ALL Of American History!
#Zelenskyy was showing pictures of #Ukraine POWs!
#Trump and #Vance Cared ONLY About "The Minerals Deal"!
NO Talk of Helping Another #Democracy Against Invader #Russia!
Just 'Strong-Arming'!
I’ll note that Grampa Golf speaks only one language. 🙃
And I would add another proof: Trump is implementing tariffs on every friendly country... But you don't see him implementing tariffs on RUSSIA! 🤔 TRUMP AND J.D. VANCE ARE JUST TRAITORS!
YA za Ukrayinu
Slava Ukraini💙💛
I am surprised that Trump/Vance and MAGAt land hasn't resorted to mockery of his "Engrish"
If he can fight for freedom for Ukraine, we can fight to free America from dictatorship.
We must worry about Trump supplying intel and even equipment to Russia.
"Krasnov, go fuck yourself with a splintered broomstick."
But in fairness, the US is quite large to where our ability to travel to a country that doesn't speak English is not very often. It's not like driving from NY to DE involves two language changes.
It’s all good!
Read more 👇
Yak anhliysʹkoyu skazaty "durnyk" i "marionetka"?
He has natural language abilities.
Z can take it. He’s a big boy. But he got Khrushchev / Kennedy treatment today from Trump. He will be ready next time.
Trump spokesman B.S. Malarkey praised President Trump for making English the country’s official language. “The Administration hopes that this will encourage President Trump and his supporters to learn English and talk good.”
The word “costume” means “suit” in some languages Do Zelenskyy wasn’t being rude
"Maybe one like yours, maybe one better, maybe one cheaper"
It works either way with this reporter.
Who sleeps with MTG on purpose.
I have never been so embarrassed to be an American as I am today.
Fun fact.
Russia should be paying the bill and not Ukraine🤔.
earn back your street creds