Congratulations on doing your job to the bare minimum. Listen to your constituents. We want fighters, not people on a book tours during a CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS and a FASCIST TAKEOVER. Wtf are we doing here?!
The bare minimum? Mullin had a blood clot and had three surgeries and still flew into vote. Pettersen had just had a baby and traveled across the country to vote with her one month old baby. Instead of shitting on them, how about calling out Republicans that didn't allow absent voting?
I do call out the Republicans, daily. I can also call out our Democratic leaders who are falling short and taking money from the same oligarchs ruining this country. They’re following the same path as the magats and won’t stand for the gaslighting.
Watch the video and you won’t like what you see.
Yeah, I'm not saying not to hold them to account. But it is important to recognize those who are standing up for us. The video posted was appreciation for Mullin and Pettersen, who went above and beyond, and you made it about Jefferies.
There are lots of Reps and Senators (other than AOC, Jasmine, Bernie) who are doing the work. Thank them when they do the right thing and criticize when they don't. If all we ever do is eat our own then we will continue to lose elections and republicans will laugh because we do their work for them.
🤦🏽♀️based off my few comments you obviously don’t know I’ve been praising all of those people for their hard work. Hakeem, Schumer, and Connolly are weakening the party and I’m holding them accountable.
Pls kick rocks.
Left hand Right hand. So the Republican budget gives a tax break on overtime but also may open the way that corporations don’t have to pay time and a half. 🤔
yall seem to be the only ones who dont know that hakeem is toast with the vast majority of the base. hell, even pelosi doesnt dare show her face on here.
I genuinely don't understand people that defend Dem leadership. The public should obviously do their own thing - but the Democratic party machine, with their mail/phone lists, donors, advertising apparatus is invaluable in leading and coalescing a resistance.
A massive strike and demonstration in Greece “just” because of lack of transparency in a train accident and Americans only try to protest not buying stuff 1 day.
How upset are you really with this oligarch clown show in DC?
Hi. Learn civics. Not understanding Dems are the minority party rn and have very little control beyond slowing things down makes you look amazingly fucking stupid.
No suggestions? Nothing? You can't tell me how you think my supposed "ignorance about politics and political power" (nice alliteration if a pointless meaningless comment) "is showing," can you?
Just like you have no suggestions for things Dems cld be doing that they aren't already.
When the Repubs were out of power, they banded together, stopped talking shit about their party, and voted straight R to victory. That is the ONLY way to beat Repubs now. We need a full, true majority. Stop slinging dirt at Dems and work on getting them elected.
Nothing can stop the coup while dems are in the minority. There are special elections coming up which could flip the house. Are you even doing the bare minimum to help or just whining on social media, Ashley?
Please. Dems have way more leverage than they are using.
Also, nice blame shifting. Even IF this is all I was doing, putting pressure on my elected representatives to represent me well and do their jobs better is doing important work.
You could write postcards for one of the special elections coming up that could flip the house. Postcards to Swing States will send you everything you need except the stamps, which is your donation, along with your labor.
She didn't say anyone's helpless, but pretending she did is a fantastic way not to answer the actual question of whether you're doing fuck all to help the special elections.
It is true calling your reps is good work. Lying abt their ability to do something to assuage your own guilt for your voting fuck ups is actually not good work tho.
Stop voting for trump’s cabinet picks, deny unanimous consent, call for quorum checks, deny quorum, stop taking money from corporate donors and replace with small donor funds, get better at communicating about the coup, gum up the works as much as possible, bring impeachment articles and much more
Watch the video and you won’t like what you see.
Pls kick rocks.
Cut the bullshit and do your jobs.
MAGA Dems, idiots.
All they can do is go to the end of their chain and bark.
So, what are you doing?
It'd be awesome to see this actually happen.
Using their massive monetary, contacts, and media apparatus as a major party to coalesce a resistance movement would be cool. But alas, nope.
how about they get out on the Washington Mall, call constituents, get a giant rally/protest going?
Instead we get this milquetoast garbage
How upset are you really with this oligarch clown show in DC?
Just like you have no suggestions for things Dems cld be doing that they aren't already.
I suspect it will be a long wait.
Voting stops your coup, not bashing the only opposition to your coup
fuck all the way off w that vote blue bullshit
hakeem needs to GO or the party will go
Please. Dems have way more leverage than they are using.
Also, nice blame shifting. Even IF this is all I was doing, putting pressure on my elected representatives to represent me well and do their jobs better is doing important work.
Beyond the enormous number of things they are doing rn, what else do you think they should be doing.
and btw, this whole thing was the voter's fault. You voted 3rd party, didn't you, Ash?