My pipedream is that everyone will plant lupinus perennis like it's the new milkweed and the karner blue butterfly will come back to Pennsylvania. What's your niche interest? I'll plant for it too. #nativeplants
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My 1st Opuntia pad came from this nursery five years ago. I try not to endorse "brand names", but they were so helpful when I called them first with my questions.
I got my opuntia from a Fb marketplace encounter. I was buying something else and saw the pads and commented on them and they said please take them all 😄. I am a fan of prairie moon though, they have some hard to find seeds
I planted some plugs this year, hoping for blooms next year 🤞 I just checked iNat, and if I spot Karner blues, it would be the first iNat observation in my county!
Looks like my zone is perfect for it! Sandy, sunny, dry. Grasses are little bluestem, switchgrass, indian grass. I wonder if it can compete. Going to see if my county land conservancy sells these this spring. I like to support them and do get my natives from them. Love your bio...following.
I’m so pleased to meet you here, Julie! I love your posts! I have a restored prairie area on my 1/2 acre. Lots of native plants and my yard buzzes with pollinators from very early spring until after fall frosts. Have been to Prairie Moon. Pleased that you include Latin names for plants. Happy TG!
I'm torn between my love of prairie grass and my love of trees. I have about 30 trees on my .3 acre and some will eventually shade out my pocket prairie so I'm enjoying it while it lasts
I had these in a seed mix last year. They were some of the first things to come up and seemed to be doing well. Then they ended up being quickly overwhelmed by all the other plants. Didn't get a single flower out of them. Might try again next year with a dedicated spot.
I LOVE Joe pye weed and Goldenrod, but they get such a bad rep from people who don't understand native gardening because they are big and take up space. I also have several Lupine in my native garden. ❤️ I planted milkweed for Monarches and didn't get a single cat this year.
I have several of the Solidago species. They are majestic and their flowers are never wanting for pollinators/beneficials. Very much appreciated in my late summer hill. It can be aggressive but my grasses seem to stem the tide.
Liatris ligulistylis is a monarch magnet. I got about 20 cats this year and monarchs daily from that addition. They seemed to prefer laying eggs on the swamp milkweed.
I wish I could grow that beautiful flower here. Too hot and dry in OK. But I planted 3 types of pipevine and it took 4 years, but now I get loads of reproducing pipevine swallowtails every summer/fall. They're glorious!
Such a difficult one for me, so many things….I live in predominantly Douglas Fir habitat and it’s a city, and there is only one mature Douglas Fir I can see in a 360 degree circle around my home.
So every yard one Douglas Fir.
No plastic or mowed lawn.
Owl and bat boxes on every telephone pole.
Where I am they need maximum sun. That a tough one-my house and trees are too shady. My wish list is to buy and install this pole mount with a bat box.
So every yard one Douglas Fir.
No plastic or mowed lawn.
Owl and bat boxes on every telephone pole.