The poor dog was not prepared to be in the blast radius of the perfect peace sign practice zone. The dog has been peaced senseless, and will wake up in a few hours.
these posts genuinely give me so much determination to better myself, and to openly be myself.
ty for being amazing :>
I hope someday to be as absolutely stunning as u <3
I HATE IT when artists I imagined were old turn out to be very young. Based on your comic you should be at least 66 and been in jail twice. DAY = RUINED
hi and stuff.
Truly, what to expect, from the penis author herself
(lookin good!)
((ok one note))
Also, looking good
Either way, you look vvv good and nothing good can come from me going on so
WITH the pigeon toes!" o/
ty for being amazing :>
I hope someday to be as absolutely stunning as u <3