In Washington, we protect hardworking residents who follow our state laws and contribute to our communities.
You have rights. We will stand up for the rule of law.
You have rights. We will stand up for the rule of law.
He is a creature of the legal system. He is completely programmed to believe that the legal system will deliver all remedies.
Bob is a fucking idiot who will get Washingtonians killed if he doesn't get ahead of the federal government.
Take a clear public stand now
This isn't about who has the best resume. Past accomplishments and identity are nice and all. But we live in the present.
What will Bob do now? What will Bob commit to? If willing to commit will he announce it?
We're talking about when the federal government straight up ignores the law, the courts, and starts hurting washingtonians.
Anyone who thinks the cops will protect us at that point is fucking sleepwalking us to our deaths.
A state official at any level could find themselves being told to do one thing by Federal courts and something else by Trump's people. If Bob Ferguson hasn't said a word, it's anyone's guess what they will choose. Will they feel safe defying the President?
Please wake the fuck up.
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And should they be too cowardly to do their sworn duty to protect America, will you consider seceding from the dying union?