This is me not watching anything on MSNBC while that shithole Morning Joe is on. And I think that's Mika with him, hard to tell with her lips at 32psi.
Imo Sanders thinks she has to explain her question to the guests b4 she asks it. Sanders takes so long to articulate her questions she steals valuable airtime from her co hosts
Sanders questions were so long it didn't give Ms Menendez a chance to ask the Nevada Congress woman any questions at all. I feel sorry for Sanders co hosts. SMDH
IMO Simone Sanders dominates the conversation on the Weekend set just like Joe Scarborough does on the set of Morning Joe. Sanders rudely interrupts both of her co hosts so often you'd think it was her show only.
Question: Is DJT exposing himself as the puppet master or is he becoming the ultimate puppet through the real puppet master of many parts as shown in his appointments/nominees?
Question: Where is POTUS Biden as this threat to the Constitution reveals itself?
I watch you guys faithfully every weekend, all 3 of you make my weekend complete! As different as u all are you believe in FREEDOM, Democracy, CHOICE!! Keep it going please
Susie Lee (D- Nevada) is among the out-of-touch, suddenly enlightened on what the people actually wanted this (AND past) elections. It's ALWAYS the economy! Regardless of other issues & to disregard that for, not only the past 4 yrs, but since Bernie ran, is negligent. Call them out on your shows!!!
Please keep at it guys and sound strong and I hope you stay strong. Wouldn't it be nice if enough Republican lawmakers would stand strong and not roll over for turmp? At this point I've just named them all Fido.
The DNC needs to get back to the people that have felt abandoned by the party. Sherrod Brown (ran ahead of the Harris Walz) speaks truth about how to recover our coalition!
Also, please encourage MSNBC to go center left- not center right or right.
New morning show idea:
Stephanie Miller
Bob Cesca
Thom Hartmann
We need a progressive media platform. Not more corporate media overlords.
Question: Where is POTUS Biden as this threat to the Constitution reveals itself?
Watching now. Always a pleasure tuning in . 👏🇨🇦.
Now Symone and Michael get on here