So many new followers!! Hi folks, nice to meet you all. 🖤
I'll introduce my core research interests by showing you some of the work we've done in recent years on the conceptualization, measurement, modeling, and theories of mental health (problems).
🧪 #PsychSciSky #psychiatry #statssky
I'll introduce my core research interests by showing you some of the work we've done in recent years on the conceptualization, measurement, modeling, and theories of mental health (problems).
🧪 #PsychSciSky #psychiatry #statssky
Would it be possible that the diagnosis threshold does not only depend on the person, but on the environment? F. ex., that the same 'level' of difficulties could be considered 'pathological' in one environment, but tolerated (hence, normal) in another? (1/2)
Previously, you didn’t get a diagnosis even if you met criteria when …
Unfortunately they removed this “bereavement exclusion” from dsm-4 to dsm-5.
But still, some clinicians of course will take this and other aspects into account.
I view them as systems of biological, psychological, and social variables. Mental health problems emerge from this system, which is why system and network science are so important for better understanding and treating them.
Statistical tools from systems & network science are useful here.
We wrote an introduction about these methods here for applied researchers:
One way to do this is via ecological momentary assessment, querying participants often on their phone.
Here a recent intro on how to work with such data:
This is what we do in my large WARN-D study, building an early warning system for depression.
- 4 minute intro video:
- website:
- brilliant team:
- OSF project hub (all papers, code etc):
Here an overview paper of the big challenges the field is facing, with a focus on depression.