He’s a degenerate gambler with an original side hustle of sports statistics that morphed into election poll weighting that morphed into political punditry that morphed into general punditry.
God I wish I didn't know. I honestly don't know how to fully explain him, but he became famous for predicting the.... 2008?.. election results in almost all states. He now is obsessed with gambling.
Got famous at the 538 back in the early 2010s as a data scientist who "replaced horse race commentary and empty punditry with aggregate polling data." (before that did sports statistics analysis). Now mostly just does empty punditry.
A white man who is wrong about many things but was right about one thing once, so in typical American fashion the media will keep him on the gravy train with constant TV, radio, and podcast appearances until we're all dead inside.
malcolm gladwell could turn out quite a pretty sentence while spouting bullshit
Also MG isn’t addicted to Twitter nor (allegedly) gambling
(And he's recently learned how to correct himself)
most known for making election predictions.