If you haven't read Sinclair Lewis' IT CAN'T HAPPEN HERE, that's okay. It's good and short and makes a lot of excellent points about the creeping spread of fascism, but you've seen these same points retread over and over again since he wrote it...
...in 1935.
...in 1935.
I absolutely hate how prescient that turned out to be.😢
This regime is operating as a fascist dictatorship cosplaying temporarily constitutionality while it purges & weaponizes the Fed Gov v We the People.
I oppose dictatorship.
Lewis KNEW!
I recommend it to everyone
Especially those who think it can't happen here
Living it!
Together with 1984, Animal Farm, and The Lord of The Flies!
I am reheartened again/ now knowing that Oligarchs AND Fascist-Dictator-Authoritarian Leaders, do have a shelf life, they will topple, and they will fall. We just really need the Middle Classes to get nuclearly pissed off about it.
And, as we see from Buzz Windrip’s Minutemen, it CAN.
(Meanwhile, You-know-who subjects us to his own daily wind-rips…. 😡💨 😖)
'I'm telling you my dear,
It can't happen here.
I remember, doot-doo
They had a swimming pool.'
Hes not answering calls nor holding town halls. Join us to call for his resignation!
He works for us and we demand to be heard.
In all the swing states.
Muskat's "gift" (quid pro quo) to Trump --which Trump admitted two nights ago on camera in the Oval.
We're kinda at the early midpoint, where language is being normalized and people are just beginning to realize it *could* happen here.
The Nazis had already murdered thousands by this point.
So "Here" becomes not just about geography but about social class structure.
(Actually, I'm wrong. Go read this book. Lewis kills it on development.)
But it's not safe for her here. Not anymore. This news was the final straw.
We've never been even nearly perfect, but had improved (if sometimes haltingly) though much of our history.
But now ...
Reagan was bad, but this feels so much worse.
People have been disappearing for ages in this country. Undocumented immigrants vanishing into ICE custody and, hopefully, reappearing weeks or months later.
Now they're disappearing people who speak out against their agenda.
More clowns are showing up at this circus, too, and they're getting bolder. The clowns will happen to all of us.
Britain should raise hell.
Just guessin'...
The American Rehearsal for Dictatorship 1928-1940". Huey Long basically did it in Louisiana, although he did do something for the people, he created a fascist regime, which survived for 5 years after his assassination in 1935.
I think about it often these days.
All of those boxes have at least been ticked to an extent, but none have really been fulfilled.
The most memorable thing from the book was the need to give up on purity testing and join resistance where it can be found.
It is a most appropriate book for the times.