President-elect Donald Trump has told advisers he is standing by his nominee for defense secretary, Pete Hegseth, after the transition team was jolted by an allegation he had sexually assaulted a woman in an interaction he insists was consensual.
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yeah, yeah, yeah... they all claim "consensual" when the actuality is they don't understand the word "no" .... or maybe it's just a challenge to these guys.
No. He’s not “standing by” Hegseth & his team was not “jolted” by an allegation. They already knew & were covering it up. They’re “jolted” that they didn’t succeed in covering it up. TFG already knew & was trying to cover it up. You give these criminals too much credibility.
Are we surprised though? Please, for all of our sakes, someone up top stop this madness. I’m already exhausted, and he hasn’t even started his term yet!
Am concerned for women currently in the military.
Hope he doesn't turn his head to rapes in the military to drive women out.
BTW- since less than 1% of the population currently enlist as it is, when will he impose a draft?
they were not “jolted.” the allegations were already publicly known. all journalists know this. Trump and his transition team had already known this. no one was “jolted.”
Well it would be hypocritical for him to remove Hegseth since the POTUS, is also a sexual assaulter, and the Republicans are never hypo............oh yeah.
Bill Clinton raped more than one woman. Joe Bribe-in digitally penetrated a staff member in a Capitol Hill hallway. JFK...well. Cast the 1st stone, etc.
Emboldened by the compromised Supreme Court MAGA wing, and his handler in Moscow, this is his way of giving a middle finger to all of us. Make no mistake he has one job — to weaken America by dismantling our government.
Can’t be a member of the team if you’re not a sexual predator—I mean, if the boss is one, ya gotta be one too—it’s like picking up golf if you’re not a golfer but the boss likes it-better yet if you’re already one!!
Why wouldn't he? It's more important for him to have the person he chose, no matter what crimes he may have committed, than to hire a person qualified to work for the American people. He's a criminal and he's gathering a cabinet of criminals to surround and do his bidding. not about WE the people
Here is a big surprise. tRUMP thinks women are NOT to be believed. Just his male white buddies. Face it. He's made a career of the misogyny & sexual abuse.
do u really think people buy this? its painful to see how duped the NYTimes is over and over again, he knows exactly what he's doing, he wants the worst people in, who are loyal to him, no matter what about some journalism?
He also seems confused. He is a self-proclaimed Christian nationalist with crusader-esq and pro-Israel tattoos. So I guess there is a new strain of Christian nationalism that only despises Muslims and is fine with Jews now? Maybe it’s just me who is confused…
So the orange guy who grabs 🐈 and has been adjudged as a sexual assaulted is happy to stand by the guy who allegedly SA’s someone. Maybe I’m not entirely shocked by this fact as much as both these guys are anywhere near power or polite society.
Cet homme est dangereux pour la liberté des femmes, pour son pays et pour la planète. Malheureusement, nous aurons tous à le subir d'une façon ou d'une autre.
Wow, who could imagine a rapist President elect who nominated a child sexual predator for AG would stand behind another nominee accused of sexual assault?
He raped a woman he dragged. He has a tattoo of a Nazi, and that is just the start. I hope he keeps him so American may learn a lesson about freedom and elections. Either that or Musk will tweet a video of that guy walks on water!!
He can make all the bad decisions he wants, if helps make the case for a constitutional crises, and him not being able to serve. As much as I can’t stand JD Vance at least he would chose qualified people with experience. He’s just a slippery one
Very thoughtful and detailed. I’m wondering what you think of the strain of dem self-criticism that thinks “identity politics” is what put Trump back in office and basically recommends to only talk about diverse working class issues, e.g. minimum wage (like you mentioned), universal healthcare, etc.
I appreciate it. I don't believe it has to be an either-or. Trump ran on white "identity politics" and no one bats an eye. Kamala avoided cultural issues, and it still didn’t matter. Ignoring the unique issues that come with their diverse base (especially Black people) would be a big mistake.
Some things that baffle me but should be surmountable are how many Latinos just shrugged off the Puerto Rico garbage comment (along with all the other xenophobia) and still voted Trump. Same can be said for other demographics.
Well said. It’s all just a messaging problem and smart people like you can figure it out. Bernie Sanders, not perfect by any stretch, said you can address the racism, sexism, etc. of the other side but that can’t be your whole or predominant platform. It should be anchored with economic issues.
The reality of America is that, for every step marginalized people take forward, many in white America perceive it as an offense. It’s tough to accept, but it can't stop us from telling the truth. We need to address both cultural and economic issues for the same reason—it’s the right thing to do.
I don't think anyone is surprised that he would stand behind his idiotic pick. Imagine picking a former field grade officer that's never worked as a government civilian as the SECDEF....that's wild.
Hope he doesn't turn his head to rapes in the military to drive women out.
BTW- since less than 1% of the population currently enlist as it is, when will he impose a draft?
This administration will destroy America 💔
this is my surprised face.
Midterms will come soon enough and people will probably see how bad the republicans are performing and we get a repeat of 2018.
He needs people he can relate to.
Birds of a feather
Progressives, get your hammers out, this is starting to look like a nail.
Vote your best interests!!!
A nest of predators
How many nominees for Secretary of Defense have had sexual-assault allegations against them?
How many presidents have had juries of American citizens decide they raped a woman?