All the journalists are licking the boots of those neo-fascists. Trying to play a game of "everything is fine". Greets from germany, here it is the same.
Maybe the Times can do another article about red wine being good for you. Or bad for you. Or what's going on in the Hamptons. Or a diner in the midwest. FFS, they're so irrelevant.
the is just openly licking the feces-flecked Louboutins of the “illegal immigrant” 3rd wife of a diaper-dictator
i would not click on this story if you held a gun to my head
much better news outlets out there now
pay them
don’t pay for cowardice👇🏼
NYT: On the fashion of Eva Braun
Or what they didn’t wear
But you forgot a couple of Melania...
Democracy dies in New York.