Breaking News: An appeals court struck down a federal ban on handgun sales to people 18 to 20 years old, pushing the issue closer to the Supreme Court.
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When the human brain is not fully developed and decision-making functions are rife with a lack of impulse control, the Courts want to put lethal weapons into the hands of teenagers (who are not trained to serve in the military).
We need a massive, long term effort to take back the 2nd Amendment from the radical right and reinforce the "well regulated militia" clause. The right did it with Roe, we can do it too. SCOTUS decided decades ago that the 2A meant "guns for everyone" but a new SCOTUS can undo that.
He's not fooling anyone but himself. He looks horrible.I mean really ill. He's like a prisoner on the run. No choice. He had to do this to stay out of prison. What a drag especially because he's OLD and looks EXHAUSTED! His eyebrows are whiter and he keeps smearing on toner or shit it's not helping.
The gun lobby and their Republican agents in Congress, the Courts and right-wing media wont be satisfied until guns are as ubiquitous in American life as mobile phones.
I feel that it would help focus the minds of both the new administration and the SC if someone demonstrated to them, personally, how it was a bed thing to let immature or unstable people get firearms.
Maybe it would take 4 or 5 examples, but I'm sure they'll see reason eventually.
Can't buy cigarettes, but here's your Desert Eagle.
Fuck the gun industry, and triple fuck every politician and judge who takes bribes from them. #WTAF
Excellent news, progress! May the various state-level "assault weapon" and magazine bans be dealt with too. Perhaps we can then finally get to discussing actual solutions to the causes of gun violence in America. That'll upset capital though, hence it's so-far forbidden - a distraction 🤫
If teens can get guns, let’s let young children have guns too. Let’s make sure all children have guns in their backpacks for school. What are we doing? Where is the sense?
Or we could be reasonable about how we begin to give people responsibility to do certain things as they get older. An 18 year old can't even rent a car or buy cigarettes. But yes they can absolutely manage the responsibility of a gun. Eyeroll.
Wow... timing! Last weekend I got this at a gun show in Florida. I filled out the required forms, gave the guy cash and walked out. Oh, and, I'm legally blind. I've never driven a car. Florida's Division of Blind Services got me large print versions of textbooks. I've never even worn glasses.
The Division of Blind Services has been in my life for 30+ years. When I was in college, I needed a book "Turbo Pascal Programming with Applications". DBS had it made for me. As far as I know, I'm the only person who has a large print version of that book.
So 18-year-olds have brains not developed enough to drink, but developed enough to own a gun? This ruling is so divorced from reality that it has a Vampire Survivors-style kill count.
25 years old should be the age for gun buying/ownership. Personally I think it is dangerous for ANYone to own a gun, just stupidity, to think it's a safe thing to have.
I agree. Notice I also said this ruling is so divorced from reality that it has a kill count? Obviously not because 18-year-olds should be having guns - they can't handle booze (as our laws already established, hence the comparison), much less own a gun.
MORE kids with guns!
How soon before this literally blows up in someone’s face?
I’d argue that what he has is a very very privileged upbringing that means he has little common sense at all.
He has the pretense of thinking his thoughts and common sense are the same thing.
What a twat!
Teenagers buying handguns.
Maybe it would take 4 or 5 examples, but I'm sure they'll see reason eventually.
It's as if all this unhinged gun violence is a relatively new phenomena.
Fuck the gun industry, and triple fuck every politician and judge who takes bribes from them. #WTAF
Hands off My MA1-A1... Deep State A Holes....
Americans make up 4.4% of the global population but own 42% of the guns.
From 1966 to 2012, 31% of mass shooters were American.
More gun ownership corresponds with more gun murders, and gun control reduces gun murders, according to 130 studies from 10 countries.
When he was a baby, I shut off the tv (it broke).
My son still loved guns though he’d never seen the cop tv shows.
It petrified me because he couldn’t see the difference between a real gun and a toy gun.
I know it’s hard to give up, but there’s an inherent risk to owning a firearm.
I think they will take a crayon and cross out the first 13 words in the 2nd amendment. Then write whatever they were bribed to write.
One judge has been bribed over $10 million. He is not in prison but on rewriting the Constitution.