Gotta love all these little whiny people curled up in their fetal position crying about recipes for a football game. Fuck trump, but I choose to live. You people are the problem with the democrat party. Trump owns so much space in your heads and lives
nyt instead of sharing that a boycott on the super bowl would be the best way to fight fascism, you're sharing food to make a super bowl party a hit... I remember you were soft on trump the first term too (literally harder on Clinton and her emails). when will you guys grow a spine
Chef Gerard's “Mouse in a blanket”, pictured here, is a game-day favourite. “The secret”, says the Michelin-starred restaurateur, “is advanced prep... you don't want to waste time during commercials trying to catch the little bastards”.
If Leon caught a hook to his stupid face and punt to his cunt by some bureaucrat, it would make that person a legend. Like flat laid him the fuck out. That's the world I want to live in.
Egg prices aren’t a problem. Cheaper than chicken, beef pork. Etc etc. only trumpanzees complain about egg prices and that was until Trump admitted he couldn’t do shit about it. Made fools of everyone who bought that bullshit. Like you.
Dude the news out there are that USA as a whole is out of eggs because producers let their chickens die of avian flu to collect insurances more profitable than honest selling.
Also that the flu spread to cattle because it is allowed to feed chicken shit to cows.
Waay more issues than just price.
That’s a livestock regulatory industry issues, about to be done away with under trump. Funny how he completely abandoned the issue. Yet the issue is only growing. Expect more absurd theatrics from Trump to deflect from this.
your country is beeing taken over by some villainaires and you post receipes for superbowl.
bread and games, ceasar, bread and games.
screw you.
A - Does it have cheese?
B - Does it have bacon?
C - Does it have an unnecessary sauce as an option?
D - Does it come in Super Kingsize with extra fries?
Also that the flu spread to cattle because it is allowed to feed chicken shit to cows.
Waay more issues than just price.