There are questions about an indicted corrupt POS’s ability to lead? WTF. Given the depths of his corruption & his even more corrupt ass-kissing of the 🍊💩🤡 to get the charges dismissed, Adams is incapable of leadership & should be kicked to the curb.
When 4 out of 5 deputies quit, its clear that confidence is lost and Adams ability to lead is gone. He should either resign or be removed. The residents of NYC deserve better, they deserve a leader that can be focused without continually addressing issues of corruption.
Corrupt fake democrat gets his corruption charges conditionally dismissed without prejudice in an open and blatant quid pro quo and the New York Fuckin’ Times is scratching its collective head amid “growing questions”.
Your headline stinks.
Resignations aren’t plunging the Adams’ administration into crisis again, Adams is plunging the Adams’ administration into crisis again.
Six months ago, the notion that American citizens would be compelled to flee the United States to escape political persecution and seek asylum in Europe seemed utterly absurd. Now, not so much. #trump
If by “facing growing questions” you mean “the entire nation clearly understands he has accepted a corrupt deal to sell out his city for personal gain” then yeah.
Gov. Hochul should get every city leader on record calling for her to remove Adams, and then have them stand right beside her when she announces his firing. Because the last thing she wants is Democrats, especially Black ones, accusing her of treating him unfairly...
If Adams was a republican the mindless minions would say it’s a witch hunt. Democrats don’t idolize a party, they actually care about the country. Trust me there will be witch hunts coming for good people (dem and republican )and the people will support them
The hypocrisy in how a black mayor is treated compared to a white male mayor or leader, is sobering. America has its own Apartheid. But, corrupt is corrupt. Weed them all out!
Resignations aren’t plunging the Adams’ administration into crisis again, Adams is plunging the Adams’ administration into crisis again.
This is what he CHARGES the secret service to protect him!!!
This is quid pro quo corruption at its finest.
This is the part of the mob movie where Adam becomes a "Made Man."