Breaking News: A court in Germany sentenced five people to prison over what was described as a plot to kidnap the health minister and destabilize the nation.
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Here we make them part of Congress, give them talk shows and allow them government positions without being elected to are k havoc and rib is blind cuz we're "great."🙄😡🤢🤦♀️
Let's bring that court over here to the US. Our courts, especially SCOTUS, have been bought and paid for, and will soon cave and give Trump everything he wants. The loses they gave him were for show, to show they were going by the letter of the law, but I think that will quickly change.
ELECTION DISCREPANCIES: UNVEILING THE TRUTH, NATHAN TAYLOR, FROM ELECTION TRUTH ALLIANCE. Nathan Taylor from the Election Truth Alliance (ETA) discusses potential election result discrepancies on The Mark Thompson Show on YouTube. The ETA is a non-partisan organization focused on verifying elections
Has everyone gone insane? Invading sovereign countries, trying to poison leaders, kidnapping people, ignoring basic laws, plotting martial law against the people, cutting off aid to starving, and destitute countries? Is this the 1500s or something.
And I forgot, letting deadly preventable diseases spread and being afraid of modern medicine. We are going backward at full speed. What's next? Are we going to start being afraid of electricity and the sun again?
I don't doubt that, but this seems to be happening more and more around the world these days. Also, kidnap the health minister, and then what? So of them don't even seem to know why or for what reason they are causing chaos.
Breaking News: A court in the United States sentenced five people to prison over what was described as a plot to kidnap the health secretary, force feed him cod liver oil, and stabilize the nation.
VP is at it again. Why fight wars when you can destabilize governments. A Manchurian candidate in USA, a kidnapping in Germany, etc will ultimately lead to conquest. My question is why do some government act & others who are very wealthy, don’t?
The AfD accomplished only 20% of the constituents thou Elon gave support. Meanwhile sales of Tesla dropped by 75% in Germany. AfD is comparable to Dumpy: always noisy but no content.
The AfD is in no way close to a chancellery because no party wants to coalite with them. And rearming our nation is the only way to stand up to this orange moron.
of course,because you are not spitting "fact" just self-delusion
AFD is not nearing government,so as in Austria,France,Poland,GB or Benelux
Noone wish to "partner" with KGB-paid racist thieves.
Except poor Slovakia, long-cultivated oligarchy communists
This is a time where everyone in Europe has to do their part. They are better as a whole then picking them apart. It will not be enough for Germany to do anything that is not part of a whole now or later. But their efficiency and expertise is needed now. Relax.
Did you see how many Germans were on the streets before their elections protesting against nazism? Did you see what the're doing to Tesla factories and sales there? Courts aren't a gift from heaven nor a fairy godmother...
Such amateurs! Why waste your time with the Health Minister? Just elect Trump as president. He’ll bring nothing but chaos and destabilization to the nation.
There’s an easier way. elect a lunatic to head the government, he brings in a billionaire zonked on ketamine, the billionaire fires the health minister. Nation destabilized. Easy.
Commenting only to inform you,, that your agency's complete lack of integrity RE both national and international events has revealed you to be utterly unreliable for factual, productive information. NYT is not a news source. You're Fox "Entertainment" with Chomsky font.
We didn’t have a plot we had a complete nomination process to put RFkjr in to sow chaos and destabilize the nation. He is on vacation hiking 6 weeks into his new job and a measles outbreak .
Americans should arrest the traitors here starting at top instead trump releases them from jail every rapist every traitor every murderer the if he can find idiot
Anyone ever notice how all of these radical terrorist organizations are always calling themselves "patriots"?
People need to learn that calling yourself a patriot holds no meaning whatsoever. It's OTHERS (including others that you hate and hate you back) that make that decision, not you.
Germany knows how to stop right wing disruption. Did we even arrest the guys who attempted to kidnap the Michigan governor? We definitely didn't stop the jan 6er's get them for the murder and assault of cops
"Five members of a German far-right group ..."
The Republican Party is far-right and wants dictator Trump to rule the US (Trump wipes his ass with the US Constitution).
Hmm... I'm not in favor of criminal activity in the slightest, but for some odd reason I'm sympathetic to these five people, at least in the context of US government. Because in our case, it would be to help stabilize the nation and save lives. At some point, we have to defend ourselves.
They call themselves United Patriots and want to bring back the Kaiser. Kaiser Bill started WWI. Hitler a dictator started WWII. This sounds like Trump and his MAGA. We cannot wait to see history repeat itself. Remove Trump
Interesting that behavior with similar consequences is apparently accepted in America as "telling it like it is" and "making government more efficient."
It’s funny how it’s not breaking news to you that the EU approved a huge defense package & consider their situation dire or that the U.S. is pulling consulates out of Western Europe & we have to find that in British papers instead. But 5 dimwits getting caught for their ill advised scheme is news
Glad they were caught, although they will definitely be out of jail before anybody who ever sold pot illegally in the US even though it's now legal in the entire industry is run by white people starting with John boehner!!!!
United Patriots, huh? Funny how all the guys trying to destroy nations love to claim they are patriots. Sorta like the 1% here, so fucking patriotic they want all the advantages WITHOUT CONTRIBUTING THEIR FAIR SHARE.
Most likely paid for by Elon Musk. And then JD. Vance goes over and incites the people with more of Elon Musk's divisive talking points what Trump Russia Elon Musk JD Banks and the rest of the Republican cronies are doing this is not an accident this is purposeful
Look, we already know there are at least 2 #RussianAssets leading the #FederalGovernment the best way to assure they have #NoPower over #Anyone is if the remaining #FederalWorkforce went on #Strike until #Congress did THEIR JOBS to #Impeach and #Convict bypassing #Corrupt #SCOTUS
You know they're nuts.
Gee, one has to wonder who is behind the massive disinformation campaigns in countries like the US and Germany...
FYI, I know he can't. But I doubt he knows or cares.
AFD is not nearing government,so as in Austria,France,Poland,GB or Benelux
Noone wish to "partner" with KGB-paid racist thieves.
Except poor Slovakia, long-cultivated oligarchy communists
Lock up Dumpster, Leon et al!
why didn't we arrest Trump on 7-Jan-2021?
People need to learn that calling yourself a patriot holds no meaning whatsoever. It's OTHERS (including others that you hate and hate you back) that make that decision, not you.
The Republican Party is far-right and wants dictator Trump to rule the US (Trump wipes his ass with the US Constitution).
We’ll pardon you.
Good luck on the flight.
Steadfast & Untied
4 Democracy 🗽