I feel like that would be easier for the low info voters to understand. Or just Corporate rule. These people half both neurons split between life support and the NFL. You can’t hit them with big words.
Think less complex than football. Think WWE or NHRA. More tribal with each round only lasting a few moments because that’s all their attention can handle at a time.
I was just talking to my better half today and I asked "I hear a lot of people use the term but no one seems to know exactly what it means" I thought I had read/heard somewhere that it was a merger between corp power and the State. She googled it and said that wasn't even mentioned. Go Figure
I had this conversation with some Googlers a long time ago.
They were in unanimous agreement that the only logical outcome to increased corporate efficiency (false economy of scale) was for the business to be on par with government.
I said it was fascism and they balked at only the name
We've been building a Corporate Oligarchy for 40 years.
And Trump, trying to avoid jail, and his low information followers, have installed it.
They were in unanimous agreement that the only logical outcome to increased corporate efficiency (false economy of scale) was for the business to be on par with government.
I said it was fascism and they balked at only the name