Doesn't just time shifting your purchases simply shuffle the ledger?
If you're still making the purchases you'd have made anyway, what's the difference?
NEWS FLASH! Trump and Musk join No-Buy Friday movement. Donald vows not to pay any of his contractors or lawyers a penny while Elon pledges not to buy another election until April.
Would tomorrow be an easier shopping day for me this week? Yes. Is protesting more important than a bag of potatoes? Absolutely. Thank God it's not mac & cheese day 🙏 #protest #feb28
Does beer count as an essential? What if I buy it from the locally owned convenience store?
Seriously: Not shopping today at all. When I do buy online, I'm looking first at sources that are NOT Amazon, etc. They aren't hard to find, and prices are comparable.
Wish we had more than 1 Walmart and 1 Publix within 20 miles of my community. I understand Costco builds in places where they expect to make a profit, but it might be nice to have somebody give rural customers some responsible options.
let's go beyond a 24hr boycott. start finding ways to live your life without relying on amazon/walmart/etc. get creative and learn how to live without all the bullshit they have convinced us we "need"
A 24hour blackout like this will only make a bump in the road if everything goes back to normal the next day. We need to boycott until our demands are met. This could take weeks, months. We have to stay strong together.
It has to be consistent. Every single boycott on this list needs to be done simultaneously, for the entire time. One boycott her and one boycott a couple days later isn’t gonna cut it.
BLACKOUT tomorrow and then to COSTCO on Saturday for party food 🎉🥳🎉🎁🎂
If you're still making the purchases you'd have made anyway, what's the difference?
Inconvenient? Yeah.
Maybe a little more expensive locally? Yeah.
But you gotta do what you gotta do.
Does beer count as an essential? What if I buy it from the locally owned convenience store?
Seriously: Not shopping today at all. When I do buy online, I'm looking first at sources that are NOT Amazon, etc. They aren't hard to find, and prices are comparable.
Coca Cola
Ford Motor
Molson Coors
John Deere
Harley Davidson
Jack Daniel’s
The Smithsonian Institution
Goldman Sachs
JP Morgan Chase
We can do more than the nare MINIMUM of one day.
Taking a 3 day weekend, with 2/28 reserved for gardening.