This is where we are. A PM who’s done a good job on the social file & economy, is getting calls to resign. While a lying smarmy conman installed by foreign authoritarian regimes, who was a key player in #FluTruxKlan destabilization op, is being cheered as 🇨🇦’s next PM. We’re told to “get used to it”
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Look where it got the states with Trump back in and authoritarianism on the rise.
JT in response is saying "I represent canada so vote for me", but many Canadians don't see PP as a threat to "Canadianness", they see racialized Canadiansand newcomers as the threat.
He needs to start fighting back against PP. The Libs communication team is pathetic. This is not the time for diplomacy. Promote their achievements, attack PP for his lies & past.
Campaign to end GST permanently while raising corporate taxes, go on on the class warfare vibes that are emerging in the zeitgeist
Got any picks?
When he wins his majority, and it sounds like he most certainly will, the mob will be merciless when he fails to deliver the kinds of changes that will make a real difference; namely, greater personal income, and affordable homes.
Caveat emptor.
Even if sarcastic, and very questionable comment
Should MP's fall in line even if they don't agree?
JT's only hope to beat pp was to undercut him on the carbon tax.
wedge and identityissues won't win because Canadians want a government that is doing things that affect their COL
I don't know why she didn't do her job.
They had changed the criminal code. It was her job to understand that.
They didn't tell her to tell the judge how to rule.
But, we had an election an Canadians forgave that scandal.
Jane Philpot works for Doug Ford now, enough said.
JT has been facing problems since at least october and I think his Cabinet is sick of him.
Freeland actions did not come out of nowhere.
What do you suggest? Tar and feathering?
I cant.
I ignore it.
Looking forward to the investigation reporting on foreign interference
He warned him about Canada's reaction to tarrifs.
The best I could find.
It seems to me the Ontario announcement related to power transfers came a day or 2 after.
Although Smith immediately announced they wouldn't throttle energy transfers.
Threatening or bloviating in the press or on Social Media is newish and it sucks.
Governing by “Tweet” isn’t normal.
But I do think your opinion/observation is important here. We need all the input we can get. Sometimes those outside can look in with more clarity
Stick around please. And share
Agree. Always appreciate outside perspectives!
Trump said she caved..but she didn't. His ego got in the way but he's trying to make other leaders look weak so it appears he's always in charge