I don't agree.
But I'm of the belief that social media creates harmful ideas on how we view the lives of others and ourselves, the constant access to the opinions on what everyone else thinks and feels without knowing anything about us, without having a connection to us. Its dangerous.
I feel your worry, and it makes me angry.
I feel like I've failed not only your teens, but any who come after me.
We used to have a world where we explored together, but now I worry that we'll all explore alone, and watch eachother through our screens.
BUT, I have faith. The kids are smart, and they're a lot better at dealing with technology than I give them credit form
I just hope that they're smarter than us. I hope I can help make them smarter than anything I could hope to be. Or at least more aware of the ways these things can hurt us.
I have faith too. If my two middle America teenagers are any indication, rest assured they are well aware of the social media risks they all face and have both vowed to restrict their own children. Should have been more strict with them myself but we were all learning. Have faith in community.
It can allow some to connect, sure. But it also allows others to create fictitious ideas about what reality really is. We get to create the lens in which the world sees us. We can create a false image and receive adoration and fulfilment based on that false image.
But I'm of the belief that social media creates harmful ideas on how we view the lives of others and ourselves, the constant access to the opinions on what everyone else thinks and feels without knowing anything about us, without having a connection to us. Its dangerous.
I feel like I've failed not only your teens, but any who come after me.
We used to have a world where we explored together, but now I worry that we'll all explore alone, and watch eachother through our screens.
Im scared we won't be REALLY connected.
I just hope that they're smarter than us. I hope I can help make them smarter than anything I could hope to be. Or at least more aware of the ways these things can hurt us.
Its all so fake and meaningless.