My bet too. Important that if we go 10-1 or 11-0 we need to go BIG in 25-26. 2026 is all defense and no guarantee we can maintain the supermajority forever (or that the lege will fix valid petition)
I think after the above the priorities for '27 should be: HOME phase 3 (6-8 units citywide, lower min lot, height/FAR changes), upzone the near eastside (maybe an overlay for the I35 caps?), AISD density bonus, regulating plan for St. Elmo/Rundberg if LRT ever gets there, mini-UNO for other colleges
100% but process improvements to site plan, subdivision only need simple majority right? When we have the supermajority we should jam through as many zoning changes as possible because if we lose the supermajority who knows how long it would take to get it back
Maybe save IC reform for 2027. What other priorities do you think a unanimous YIMBY council should tackle?
Water conservation is a good angle. IC caps=giant yards which guzzle up huge amounts of water.