Right now, I'm ok with this. They're power drunk.They're going to do what Republicans always do when they get power. Try &,do a smash & grab &,overstep. Remember rule #1 never stop the enemy when they are making a mistake.
I thought a man wrote this. So women, over a century of voting rights & when y'all finally get a seat at the good old boys' table, you just can't help but join in with them & bash other women. They say it's a man's world, but only because too many women have remained happy to be in servitude.
Highest ethical standards, like demeaning name calling? That's a pretty low bar. And societal impact? Really? Does she think there would be no one filling the space if he didn't build cars, rockets and satellites? His good guy credit is in the hole with no payments since 2015.
How fucking old is @karolineleavitt.bsky.social because she is acting like a juvenile teen mean girl. Not a very good look sweetie. Your master will eventually be gone. What will you do then?
They are nasty,childish people ,who think their complete disrespect ,is cute and gotcha. What it really shows is how blatantly undeserving, under qualified and really not smart at all they are.
Well then. I hope Ms Warren responds by calling Felon Trump a rapist in her response. Perhaps even refer to him as a child rapist for better effect along with photographs of the depositions and documents involved in his hush money payments to the families.
Pretty tacky Karoline - now let's talk about your bleached blonde hair. Had your lips plumped yet? That seems to be a popular practice with *Rump women.
Using insults to distract from concerns about self-dealing and corruption is a Trump-world specialty. Musk has lots of government contracts. He should be barred from any role in advising a president.
Wait, Elizabeth Warren is behind the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. I’d say that has a much more positive societal impact than the maker of a self-driving car that crashes and when it burns it locks you inside.
Sen. Warren may have less of an impact than them, but hers is of grace and service to We the People when the cabal is not only lacking in legal and ethical standards they are destructive sociopathic bullies. Leavitt had a major typo when she typed highest not lowest.
Beyond the Pocahontas reference, I'm offended that she called Warren a career politician. She is a champion of the middle class and her baby the CFPB has done more for us than Musk claims he'll do.
Why do Democrats treat these people with respect at all?
Why aren't they calling Trump the "criminal orange Dear Leader of the braindead MAGA cult"?
Voters obviously don't want civility or they would have rejected Trump, so why aren't the Democrats giving the people what they demand?
FYI: Kevin McCarthy's brother-in-law claimed Cherokee heritage from unrecognized Native American tribe to qualify for minority status and receive $7.6MILLION in no-bid contracts in and around Republican's district
Those nasty faked pictures are truly repugnant.
They are 1,024 times as vile as donald's disgusting racist slur "P*c*h*nt*s".
Almost as bad as his evil lie that Senator Warren used her well-documented Native ancestry (1.6%, not 0.01% as donald keeps falsely saying) to advance herself professionally.
The group that Wages is a member of, the Northern Cherokee Nation, is not recognized as a legitimate tribe by either the state or the federal government and is considered fraudulent by leaders of recognized tribes, according to the Times.
Most of us work hard to teach children to not act in this way; to not say these types of things. In < 10 years donald trump has managed to strangle civility, humility, caring & empathy from our collective experience. The Republican Party encourages him.
Anyone who calls someone a childish name is a child themselves. They only empowered by putting someone else down. It’s a sign of a weak person and lack of integrity. Consider the source👀
Yet, we are demanded to pay respect to these people? You first, MAGAt cultist twatwaffle nimrod mouthbreathers. I’ve learned my lessons over the last 8 years. Suck it up, buttercups. I see you!
I was surprised to see that the Pocahontas response was written by a woman. Imagine being a woman and working in a sea of MAGA. What names does our new President call Ms. Leavitt behind her back? Everyone has a nickname with his highness, especially women.
My guess is that this is a reference to the results of a DNA test that Warren released in 2018 that showed evidence of Native American ancestry dating back "six to 10 generations".
She can fuck right off with those lies. These people are disgusting. Another trump & co traitor, that's about what we can expect. More gaslighting and name calling. And Warren herself needed to be smart and get more people behind her instead is going it alone.
Why aren't they calling Trump the "criminal orange Dear Leader of the braindead MAGA cult"?
Voters obviously don't want civility or they would have rejected Trump, so why aren't the Democrats giving the people what they demand?
FYI: Kevin McCarthy's brother-in-law claimed Cherokee heritage from unrecognized Native American tribe to qualify for minority status and receive $7.6MILLION in no-bid contracts in and around Republican's district
Unfortunately he will have prominence in the Court of King Donald..
They are 1,024 times as vile as donald's disgusting racist slur "P*c*h*nt*s".
Almost as bad as his evil lie that Senator Warren used her well-documented Native ancestry (1.6%, not 0.01% as donald keeps falsely saying) to advance herself professionally.
The group that Wages is a member of, the Northern Cherokee Nation, is not recognized as a legitimate tribe by either the state or the federal government and is considered fraudulent by leaders of recognized tribes, according to the Times.
Most of us work hard to teach children to not act in this way; to not say these types of things. In < 10 years donald trump has managed to strangle civility, humility, caring & empathy from our collective experience. The Republican Party encourages him.
…oh I get it now…shit
(½)^10 = 1/1024
Yea, fucked in a bad way if I believe that