PUSHBACK WORKS! Elon fucking Musk wanted to cut Social Security’s toll free number used by most elderly and disabled people to file claims which would have forced them to go into a social security office while they fucking move to cut 7k jobs and close many field offices.
The tide is turning. I can feel it. Folks are engaged in their government. Apathetic people are waking the fuck up. Party line voters (non MAGA) are pissed
We need to be engaged for the rest of our fucking lives. We (myself included) got real comfortable going back to the 'Norm' when Biden took office, expecting things to just roll on. Never again. I don't care who is in, we MUST stay aware, engaged, and involved - every day, every year.
I hope so, I really do. I can’t imagine this ends any way other than Elon in jail but then I go on my local Nextdoor or LinkedIn which are generally neutral and people are still applauding this circus.
my mom‘s doctor is one of those. Red, red, red Tennessee, and he realizes now that he was wrong in thinking that it wouldn’t be this bad. Somehow we need to alter our messaging so that we reach them before election days.
And the saddest part is, no one chose him!
No one would've ever thought he would play such a big role in politics. Musk deprived half of the people in the states of their existenance. Trump is as guilty as Musk cause he approves it & let it all happen.
Amen, and even from an atheist, thank god for that!!
It actually does take a lot of people just rolling over for them for fascists like these people to win. And I do still worry that most of us are not doing enough, not even fully aware of what they're trying to do.
JFC. You have to call the toll-free number to get an appointment (sometimes weeks out) with your local office, which is really a phone call anyway. How the hell else are you supposed to get through to SSA? You can't easily just drop in to a local office. These people are all traitors.
You have to call for an appointment to get into my local office. Left on hold for hours. People used get in long lines outside in the FL heat to get into the local office. These are old people. Crying shame. It's our money.
Outside contractors like Eli musk are part of the problem with our government. When you hire a company to send a satellite into space and we have NASA. We pay more than if we did it are self. Just like the prison system being private we get no reform just a revolving door for profit
I will agree, I do think the government contractors for more than is needed & it’s why these cuts will hurt far wider than many realize. However, I already was doing the job of 3 people, now I’m doing the job of 6. It’s impossible to accomplish much being this underfunded and overworked.
if we are going to outsource it, the government (we the people) shut down our share of the intellectual property rights for anything produced, and from any monetization on the commercial side of what was funded by our taxes.
Just fucking go fire and brimstone and shit. This should happen every single day. Every single day run it as commercials run it on billboards. This is absolutely perfection.
My god he’s screaming out our words. How stupid do these politicians think we all are? The grift has come to the White House lawn now and our parents are losing everything. Our kids are about to lose their schools. By the end of the damned month. They better get to work, it’s crashing now!
Hakeem is a brilliant dude, but has shown he is not the man for this moment. You are fighting for us and last time I checked, e are going to be on life support in about 10 minutes at this rate. Fight like you are more concerned about the people you represent and our damn freedom than your career!
My wrinkles r called lines of wisdom..but when it comes to running countries, there should be a time to bow out...wat b4 they start falling down constantly.
My point was supposed to be the old farts have been dormant & ignorant to change... not a slur on white hair
Congress needs fresh new faces to move forward, not old ,refuse to bend assholes in their 80s falling constantly.
Finally, I see a Democrat politician yelling about Musk & DOGE! This mentioning of "we are 3 branches of government" should have been yelled on Day 1 of DOGE cutting our federal services! Keep up the fire Rep Larson and help wake up your Dem colleagues!
this is the type of energy that should have been presented from the onset...what baffles me is DEMs knowing what type of agenda that Donnie had in mind should have in no way, not be prepared...I was disappointed then & more-so now...however, my fight stays focused on the shameless Republicans
Elon is not a genius he is a parasitic bludgercunt
The embodiment of capitalism
He isn't rich through his work he is rich because he gets billions in tax money and exploits his wageslaves
The biggest welfare queen on earth is now deciding who lives and who dies
They’re shielding that asshole from any accountability. They know what he’s doing is illegal and anything said under oath…
They also know anyone can be labeled a genius until they open their mouth and start to speak.
I think the democrats are finally getting to the point where they're ready to fight. They're even going to red districts. Veterans are ready to fight. Maybe there is hope after all.....
“He’s out to privatize Social Security” yep. And the usps, and education and Medicare and the military… all of it. He and his broligarchs will dive it up so they can make$$$$$$$
Musk must go down, hard and fast. Burn him to the ground, bf he destroys our Country beyond repair. Look at the EU they rejected him, bc they see he is poison for democracy and morality.
He didn't show up because he has no proof because there is no widespread fraud . He has absolutely no reports or accounting documents detailing fraud findings of any kind. He's not doing anything other than closing these agencies and falsely screaming fraud.
I did federal and state audits, and it takes months and sometimes over a year plus to do audits on one agency, so there's no way in hell, he's going through and doing a detailed through financial audit of any kind, especially when there's no auditors there. He is a liar, and he needs to be deported.
It's too much to go into detail, but maybe I'll do a video explaining how federal audits and/or state audits,work. And there's more than just one person at the financial statements and spreadsheets. That's for checks and balances.
I worked for GAO government Accountability Office. I did internal audits for the fedeal government & we also use outside independent companies for internal audits for checks and balances. He's not doing that. There's not one accountant, CPA,or Auditor their. It's all lies
Exactly, it is literally impossible to audit one program/agency this fast, let alone dozens, even with a team of 1000 accountants. All they're doing is intentionally sabotaging anything they don't like to try and shut it down or privatize it and to halt anyone who was investigating Elons companies
I did medical billing audits
And it took almost six+ months for one department in the hospital - longer for some others - also no way in 30 days all those audits call BS .
What they're doing is called flooding the zone, the shock and awe, it's throwing so much at us that we or the media can't keep up with it all. So while we're looking at one thing they're working on trying to implement another thing and getting it done. https://youtu.be/iTSgL_R1CC4?feature=shared
And Elon, on his ketamine, cocaine high and his antics, he's in the spotlight, but he's just a distraction, just like the tariffs are. because in the background the appointee OMB Russell Vought is quietly implementing project25.
If you read project25 and watch this video it's a play-by-play of what's carrying out right now. Their goal is to dismantle the gov and rebuild it as a white nationalist evangelical country where rich white men lead and women and minorities have no human or civil rights. https://youtu.be/OC629l-wZBQ?feature=shared
This is why elon is dismantling our federal government.There's darker evil forces behind the curtain like billionaire Peter Thiel, Russell Vought, and Curtis Yarvin. This is a play by play of Curtis Yarvin's a d Russell Vought imagination of how they see America & project25
And what really pisses me off is that there's idiots out there that believe that he's really doing an audit. All he's doing is making up lies, posting it on X with no evidence gathering. If you have the evidence, why not present it to Congress. They've been asking him to show them since january.
We make sure that the federal government is in compliance like they're not above the law either. In his case, he is just going in there randomly firing people, he hasn't talking to staff He's not looking at any financial books. He's stealing from us to give the wealthy the biggest tax break
We go over financial statments we're looking for accuracies and controls, we do a thorough risk assessment, we verify the valuation and classification of assets and liabilities, including accounts receivable, inventory, and debt. And we do evidence gathering by talking to staff.
Exactly! It takes months sometimes upwards of year or more on larger projects. We're looking at contracts, salaries, expenditures, budget, and he has yet to to show his financial report. ecause when you do an audit, we must present a financial report of our findings. & proof to back it up.
Yeah except calling him a genius isn't it. If we are calling people out, they need to sit in reality. Elon bought established companies and tech.
Otherwise I appreciate what this guy is doing.
I LOVE this energy, but NGL I did feel a little bit sad for the woman in the blue scarf sitting behind him when he started this justified tirade; she looked like she was reaching for something on the floor and his volume scared the crap outta her, she popped straight back up again!
See the middle icon with the chasing arrows at bottom of post? Click & it will give you option to re-post with a quote or just re-post. If want to share outside of Bsky, tap the ellipsis (…) and more options appear. Hope it helps.
It’s worth watching the whole video at:
Why is this called chaos? The last fucking 5 weeks have BEEN ACTUAL CHAOS. And it's just getting started. This is doing one's job they were duly elected to do! Call this shit out. More of this please!
Elon is NOT a genius. He's propped up by everyone around him. Founders at Tesla, spacex, PayPal all said he almost destroyed the company's and they paid dearly to get rid of him. Elon is an arrogant con man just like Trump
Musky odor has launched a 7 figure ad campaign against this supreme court candidate for Wisconsin's supreme court. Why? Because he has a legal case in Wisconsin and he wants his way.
Donate so she has a fair fight in this election. It's imperative that she wins. https://www.crawfordforwi.com/about
So encouraging to see a legislator finally calling this out clearly, forcefully. Reminds me of why they called Ted Kennedy the Lion of the Senate. We need so much more of this!!
Privatizing SS would take money for "administration" etc and drain the money quicker than its going now. How about paying back the money borrowed to balance past budgets. This money is not GOVERNMENT money. Its been paid thru paychecks of workers. KEEP ELONS DIRTY HANDS OFF IT!
When they talk about the fact they're doing this to give billionaires tax breaks., billionaires basically rarely pay any taxes at all. There's so many loopholes and they don't get W-2s so they don't pay taxes on that. They just take money out of their stock portfolio.
YES!!! 👏
Elon Musk is a lucky con artist at best. He got lucky by being in the right place at the right time with his daddy‘s money.
People need to stop calling him a genius. He has hired some geniuses and memorized things they say. He chokes and stutters, trying to get the words out.
Find out what is up with private security companies and who is actually doing the work and what they are doing. Sounds like a foreign intelligence scheme
“ well ..some say life ..will beat you down …
Break your heart
Steal your crown..
So I’ve started out from God-knows -where..
I guess I’ll know..
when I get there..
I’m learning to fly ..around the clouds.. what goes up
Must come down”
Elon Musk is the biggest waste, abuse and fraud in the federal government, and Trump/Vance along with the GOP cowards in Congress are responsible for it.
To be fair it never could have gotten this bad if the democrats weren't also taking money from special interest groups to implement policies that are against the best interests of the general population. Both sides had a hand in this & we need to recognize that & call out anyone not fighting for us
All Americans should be this pissed 😡 about what’s happening to their country. Great to see people stepping up. Especially those in a position to do something about it. There’s lots of good courageous Americans who could see this Trump disaster coming from miles away and voted against him. 🇨🇦🇺🇸
well, to be completely honest, i can tell you that as a black American Man not all Americans are as pissed as you think that they should be...there's a "very large" contingent of the population that feels, thinks & does as Donnie. Black Americans have been trying to sound this alarm for decades ➕️
This is how I’m feeling lately. Because it is impossible to be down when the Funk is in your heart and mind. Like a mental reset. Let George be my guide in these Troubled Times. 🇨🇦🇺🇸👍🏻
You'd think this guy had enough years to know that Leon Mush's wealth does indeed place him above the law. Pretending things are any different is laughable at this point.
Love this, finally, someone just as frustrated as the whole nation. I want to see the receipts. Show me the fucking receipts on all this fake fraud or get the fuck out of DOGE
Musk feels free to demand details of employees' accomplishments (5 bullet points) but doesn't feel any obligation to tell American, specifically what he has found to justify removing people's livelihood and careers.
The whole four and a half minute clip is even better. And wow, it's on FOX news. . do I have to start watching that? This and Steve Liesman's "Trump is insane" comments yesterday on MSNBC--LETS GO! Stop the madness!
Speaking of Elon - Leon; yet another Spacex FAILURE coming fast on the heels of two exploded launch 🚀 vehicles in the past (6) weeks!
ISS Spacex rescue 🛟 launch scrubbed due to ‘technical difficulties’. Why, FXN 📺 even removed the little countdown inset without comment???
Man I am glad to hear this. I swear I don’t think those stranded astronauts really want a ride back if it’s from him. And I’m not being sarcastic. I would rather rot in space personally!
Politicians, Academics, Ordinary People, Citizens have to develop a Spine !
Say we will not accept , accommodate, enable the hijacking of our Rights, Rules , Laws and Principles!
He's not a genius....he's a thief!!! Einstein's a genius!!! Beethoven's a genius!!! Musk's a government sponge with ideas he's stolen from all of his genius associates. He's now a criminal, breaking established laws. Arrest him. Try him. Hang him!!! With Trump!!!
Im glad this is happening, but it would have been nice to hear about this sooner than frickin' 2 days before. I would have arrived in DC had I known about this. If the people who put these protests together would let us all know in a reasonable amount of time that would be great
I agree. Too many websites too. I tried with indivisble but working with them is a nightmare. They knew about the DC march coming this Friday and never said anything to me when I said I wanted to do something like that. Jerks.Im trying to find out about sacramento vet march, but there is zero info.🤬
I found this on Copilot: The Veterans March in Sacramento will start at 10:00 AM on March 14, 2025. Demonstrators will gather at Crocker Park and make their way to the Capitol in downtown Sacramento. Hope that's what you're looking for.
Finally looks like some Congressmen are finding their spines and cojones. We need more, much much more. Keep this up, call it out for what it is, lawlessness, fraud and criminality! Show the genius no mercy! He has not earned or deserve it.
That's some genuine and much overdue outrage right there! It's really good to see some members aren't holding back. Way to go Sen. Larson! I'm pretty sure he's the one who proposed an act to restrain DOGE's power too.
PUSHBACK WORKS! Elon fucking Musk wanted to cut Social Security’s toll free number used by most elderly and disabled people to file claims which would have forced them to go into a social security office while they fucking move to cut 7k jobs and close many field offices.
They caved !!
Together we can do this.
It will likely always be this way.
No one would've ever thought he would play such a big role in politics. Musk deprived half of the people in the states of their existenance. Trump is as guilty as Musk cause he approves it & let it all happen.
It actually does take a lot of people just rolling over for them for fascists like these people to win. And I do still worry that most of us are not doing enough, not even fully aware of what they're trying to do.
Full video here:
He’s a grift.
Congress needs fresh new faces to move forward, not old ,refuse to bend assholes in their 80s falling constantly.
this is the type of energy that should have been presented from the onset...what baffles me is DEMs knowing what type of agenda that Donnie had in mind should have in no way, not be prepared...I was disappointed then & more-so now...however, my fight stays focused on the shameless Republicans
The embodiment of capitalism
He isn't rich through his work he is rich because he gets billions in tax money and exploits his wageslaves
The biggest welfare queen on earth is now deciding who lives and who dies
Parasitic bludgercunt, no less. Sir, you do turn a phrase.
They also know anyone can be labeled a genius until they open their mouth and start to speak.
This is far too rare a sight these days. Where is the passion for making the government of the people the best it can be?
Let no one in the world let the Tangerine Traitor and his cabal get away with it
1. SHOW US the waste, fraud, and abuse.
2. EXPLAIN WHY you haven’t eliminated it ALREADY.
Now is the time for all good people to come to the aid of their country.
>punch< 🥊
The only reason Musk is claiming Social Security is “entitlement”, is because he thinks he’s entitled to grift $billions off our retirement.
He and Trump want to put their fingers in the $trillion pot.
43 years of paying in, I’m Fkg “entitled” to mine
And it took almost six+ months for one department in the hospital - longer for some others - also no way in 30 days all those audits call BS .
Otherwise I appreciate what this guy is doing.
Turn down the volume for this one folks 🤣
Turn down for what..🤣🤣😂
It’s worth watching the whole video at:
the concerns/US citizens.
🔔 🛎 🔔 🛎 🔔 🛎
We have a winner!!!
That's the energy we need.
What's happening to our country is horrific.
Watch this if you want to know more about where Musk and the far right are coming from and where they want to lead us:
Donate so she has a fair fight in this election. It's imperative that she wins.
We are all this aware of the lying
Speak up
Elon Musk is a lucky con artist at best. He got lucky by being in the right place at the right time with his daddy‘s money.
People need to stop calling him a genius. He has hired some geniuses and memorized things they say. He chokes and stutters, trying to get the words out.
But Elon is not a genius - like Trump he just bought companies and tore them to the ground.
Hey @hakeem-jeffries.bsky.social @schumer.senate.gov
PAY ATTENTION & Do Likewise!
Break your heart
Steal your crown..
So I’ve started out from God-knows -where..
I guess I’ll know..
when I get there..
I’m learning to fly ..around the clouds.. what goes up
Must come down”
#ElonMuskIsAFraud who’s stealing from all of Us! Congress
ISS Spacex rescue 🛟 launch scrubbed due to ‘technical difficulties’. Why, FXN 📺 even removed the little countdown inset without comment???
Say we will not accept , accommodate, enable the hijacking of our Rights, Rules , Laws and Principles!
That’s how it’s done when the legislature gives up its power