New from me at Cato: in its demands that Columbia surrender its academic and administrative independence to federal overseers, the Trump administration has violated one law after another. And there's every reason to think it's planning to roll out the same game plan to other universities. /1
What is the mechanism by which the law constrains a man SCOTUS placed beyond the law.
Mootness is a standing issue. Nothing here is moot.
I do hope they aggressively litigate this, tho.
In the 90s, the endowment was dipped into @ took debade+ to recover and hindered its ability to meet rising costs.
But complicity will not save them and they have resources. They had best get creative and use those resources while they can.
Let's not mince words, the leadership of our higher ed institutions may not be up to the moment
My father taught there
in the 50s