Regarding the scenes for my dungeon crawler-
Props are painted in isometric view in 2d. I paint them simply with loose strokes so that all assets will be cohesive in a scene. Thus all posted scenes are comprised of modular 2d parts. There is no 3d involved!
Props are painted in isometric view in 2d. I paint them simply with loose strokes so that all assets will be cohesive in a scene. Thus all posted scenes are comprised of modular 2d parts. There is no 3d involved!
The goal was to get the impression of materials across but retain a loose painterly style so that everything would go together and mesh visually (also painting loosely makes things take less time to create which is just as important).
It originally started as a basic set I was making to prove a point from a gamedev modularity discussion i was having with a hostile lead.
Eventually it became thousands of assets and a game design document that evolved into a manual, etc.
Stop teasing me and make this game or I will bury you in the desert.
Fully handcrafting an entire game like this must take a colossal amount of time :O
it's so pretty and great and just reminds me so much of my favourite kind of map designs in games, whether RTS or dungeon crawlers
I'm a big fan as well, and it's fun to try to solve for making repeating assets and isometric spaces interesting over time