In Syria, they've used +90% of attacks strictly from air operations: dropping dumb bombs, laser-guided bombs, attack helis etc.
Ground operations involved assadists, with ruzzian support cells (ex. artillery)
With Ukraine, they relied solely on a gamble, using the fsb's external arm to probe.
Their air force was the only branch of their military with actual experience.
They gambled solely on asymmetry only, with some special forces attached, in Ukraine.
I remember the first days & months: many (myself included) thought they were going to attack using the tactics in Syria.
Megalomaniac Putin wants much more than just Syria and Ukraine. I remember that 10 years ago he was calling for establishing an international commission to investigate whether the German reunification was in accordance with the international law.
Ground operations involved assadists, with ruzzian support cells (ex. artillery)
With Ukraine, they relied solely on a gamble, using the fsb's external arm to probe.
They gambled solely on asymmetry only, with some special forces attached, in Ukraine.
I remember the first days & months: many (myself included) thought they were going to attack using the tactics in Syria.
Excuse me.