Can you claim any negative reporting about anyone jewish is antisemetic? Yes, because there's no physical law saying the ideas you communicate with words have to be true.
Just gonna note here that the MIT president is a serious scientist who did good work on an important problem (programmed cell death) and Ackman is a guy who lost a bunch in a short squeeze on a supplements company.
If we're talking about careers that create social value, well...
Ackman and his wife could have remained relatively anonymous & avoided all this. That's the problem too many people with too much money have - they tend to do stupid things.
Oh no not the Politico people, well I'm glad the reactionary German equivalent of the Murdoch family is on the forefront of determining what could be construed as antisemitic or anti-Zionist (not even aware that last one was a problem)
If we're talking about careers that create social value, well...