Thank you Marisa
while I appreciate all that Heather and Timothy do I cannot give my subscription dollars to a place like sub stack
Hey- and
I wish you both would consider a change
So I love you for what you. I just need to remind myself to tack deep breaths before during and after. It’s so obvious. I’m sharing you as my favorite take to BS kinda heros!
Yeah, fighting on behalf of porn is always going to be uphill bc it’s easy to dismiss.
I just hate the position of “I’m a free speech absolutist and therefore *must* allow nazis, but I freely ban porn because [AIRHORN], so I am still a very principled free speech absolutist.”
The people cheering this fail to see what will happen next... They may not care now ( I bet they absolutely do care) but sooner or later they will ban something you do care about. It is so simple... Don't want to see it .. don't watch it!
I think it's because, on some level, they suspect that porn distracts white males from aggressively pursuing white women and "purifying" humanity, one Aryan baby at a time.
I am a 53 yo old woman with middling skills using technology, at best; I quit substack last year because of what I encountered just doing casual searches for more people to read and follow. I was horrified!! So this is a lame and false argument!!
Both Gandy and the guy in the screenshot are whiffing here: he isn’t missing the Nazis, he’s reading and agreeing with them so he doesn’t think they are Nazis!
while I appreciate all that Heather and Timothy do I cannot give my subscription dollars to a place like sub stack
Hey- and
I wish you both would consider a change
But see, they’re still very open and free and they don’t actually ban speech because [STATIC], so stop complaining lib.
I just hate the position of “I’m a free speech absolutist and therefore *must* allow nazis, but I freely ban porn because [AIRHORN], so I am still a very principled free speech absolutist.”
I hate the insult.
Here’s her most recent post, btw:
Now the Nazis are back home. Told you it would come home.
"Whatever you release into the world will return to you. This is karma." - Buddha.