It's beginning to look more and more like we're not gonna get breaking glass sound effects and Stone Cold Steve Austin running in to deliver a Stunner to Linda McMahon.
How much do you want to bet the “security reasons” for closing the DC DoE offices this week is so the little DOGE minions can go in and install their software on the servers?
Well, since they've convinced tens of millions of Americans that 'education' and 'indoctrination' are the same thing, they've secured the ignorance necessary to ensure their propaganda is ravenously consumed.
I know we’re not alone but… working class family here with a daughter in college on Pell Grants, student loans & workstudy. My wife & I are in our 60s and work 7 days a week to help pay the difference. We’re barely scraping by as it is. I despise these privileged fucks.
You fire half your workforce and the other half will try to keep up as long as they can but eventually they'll start quitting because its just too much.
In 2020, parents threw violent tantrums literally telling teachers some form of “teachers will die, students will get used to the deaths, schools must open unsafely!” Because their kids weren’t being warehoused
I hope Elon & Trump anger these people & they throw an equally violent tantrum at them
And most US citizens don't seem to give a damn.
Your nation is fucked unless you hit the streets by the millions.
I hope Elon & Trump anger these people & they throw an equally violent tantrum at them
Do you know any special needs kids that had IEPs or 504s? Know anyone going to college on a Pell Grant? Those supports are going to go away.
I know more than you.