I don’t hate cats; I endeavour not to hate any living creature. I do, however, despise Australian cat owners who allow their cats to roam uncontrolled, or worse, escape, and become feral. Here, domestic and feral cats kill, according to environmentalists, billions of native animals.
I was using pussy as a euphemism. I believe the animal kingdom's equivalent in the U.S. would be beaver. Rightfully, in these enlightened times, I would never use the word I once did.
I have 11. Between the ages of 9 months, and about 16.
The 16 year old is a new addition with me for a soft of hospice care.
5 of them are currently part of my personal TNR program. I'm having problems with the R part though. lol
They're such a fun bunch.
I wrestle with, “a small
dog would go great with these cats. I’ll get a senior who matches my pace” nearly every day. The struggle is real. To be buried in fur love to silence the world. 🥰
Cats are the ONLY answer.
Cats have nothing to do with those pussies.
And fire-breathing dragon. Bc reasons.
And then we can send them into battle.
The 16 year old is a new addition with me for a soft of hospice care.
5 of them are currently part of my personal TNR program. I'm having problems with the R part though. lol
They're such a fun bunch.
dog would go great with these cats. I’ll get a senior who matches my pace” nearly every day. The struggle is real. To be buried in fur love to silence the world. 🥰