The USA is no longer a nation of freedom,it is an extension of Putin’s Russia.
I don’t say this lightly.
Americans are responsible who believed Trump & Fox,knowing Fox paid 800 million for lying to Americans.
Americans lost way more than 800million.
They lost their souls & their country.
It's a US proxy war, started in 2014 by Obama/CIA coup of Ukraine President elected on promise of neutrality & trade with both Europe & Russia. Ukraine gave the battle field & cannon fodder. US Senators think that it's money well spent, no US troops dying. US will fight to the last Ukrainian.
Pathetic is not the word you would normally use about America but sadly that is now the reality. Led by people who clearly have the interests of others ahead of the American people including the fools in the cult.
Trump, the oligarch minions and the unqualified cabinet appointments confirmed by the republican senators are all Russian assets. Why does this regime not support the American people and their wishes. They have abandoned the free world to support the "Axis of evil".
MAGA can spin it any way they want the American people do not believe you. Are you helping Russia rebuild their economy so they can attack again. Tell the truth if you dare.
And let’s be honest the vast majority of Maga voters were truly voting for the immigration issue, they just haven’t realised that the cost of their racism will affect their quality of life, and for a lot of Maga it still hasn’t affected them yet but it will
Yes they do. I hope they will at least be somewhat welcomed. Yes, hard questions need to be asked and answered but we need to unite to defend America. Going to be hard and could be dangerous. But Americans and the world aren't going to back down. The cost of doing nothing is too great.
"He doesn't have a strategy, doesn't have a philosophy. He doesn't really do policy. He didn't have any kind of concept of America's place in the world. didn't think he was fit to be president before, don't think he's fit to be president now. Hedoesn't have basic knowledge presidents need to have.
I guess that's partially what I struggle with. What does Trump and the republican party stand for other money, greed, power, corruption and control. It sure doesn't appear to be with the American people or their interests.
Trump never did back America. He's always been in it for the grift and to help Putin. NDA expiring is ultimate cause of Ivana's stair mishap. She knew too much. Melania was the closer for Putin because he knew Trump couldn't say no to a pu$$y.
“Slava Ukraine! Alarming Fascist Monday morning haunting of an international disaster over the weekend! The White Nationalistic W H Brigade surrendered and traded in their bingo cards for international treason, against Our Own Country!”
All that post does is admit that the Ukraine-Russia conflict is a US proxy war. The US has no business dictating the life and politics of a country thousands of miles away
yea, we sure did and faster than Vichy France did to advancing Nazis too.........we broke the record for cowardice this time & history will reflect already does.
To my married sisters and brothers out there, if you took your partner's name, make sure you own a passport with that name on it. In order to vote, you may be required to show a passport or birth certificate that matches the name on your voter registration. Many married women don't own a passport.
Some states ask for them, but others, so far, don't require them. The House is trying to prioritize a bill that would require all citizens to vote using their birth certificates or passports, but their voter registration name will need to match one of them.
Write an Action Plan for Democrats who don't have the votes! See if you can construct a coherent and actionable plan! Easy to write "not leading the country" but super hard to put together an Action Plan. I'll wait!
Ukraine needs to keep Trump and his MAGTARD idiots away from any negotiating !!!... Biden ensured Ukraine had enough to finish Putin off once and for all ...Ukraine holds all the cards and the EU will now help them across the finish line-HIT PUTIN HARD !!!!!😉👍
It’s the aggressive eastward expansion of NATO, driven by the United States. With the below list of former soviet states becoming NATO members, who understands Putin?
Czech Republic
North Macedonia
Democrats you get this as you are now derelict in your duty to protect our country fr enemies both foreign & DOMESTIC.
Trump is on a treasonous rampage, setting Musk to sabotage our infrastructure, Hegseth our military capability, RJK our health, and the rest to cut us off from our allies
Ukraine wouldn't have been able to fight in the first place without Biden's funding. You are aware of the size of Russia, are you? That it's even bigger than the US and not the size of the Falklands.
However, one key difference is the outrage over the White House spat with Zelenskyy was not mirrored in the same way in the court of public opinion after Biden and Obama launched verbal attacks, including profanity-laced tirades, against Netanyahu.
Now that section 3 of the 14th amendment is not worth the paper it's written on, regarding people who took part in an insurrection being banned from all government positions. Is there a Benidict Arnold or Judas clause, or is this it? A foreign agent was installed into the White House now fuck off.
One thing for sure. Trump is opening eyes to the corruption he has endorsed. People are waking up. They are uncomfortable and falling out of their complacent mindsets. Only truth will heal, after the bandage is ripped off.
Sorry for bursting you bubble but no, good won't always triumph
Capitalism isn't exactly the best option we had
The billionaires we have can end world hunger but rather keep the money themselves.
America destroyed the Indians, people living in harmony with nature for greed
Ukrainians will die today
We are neither United nor did we surrender.
Trump surrendered, on our behalf, without the permission of the people.
By A14.3 he is illegally occupying the seat of president, since congress has not overturned the disability.
Moreover, he did not win legitimately.
#verifythevote #ElectionTruthAlliance
No lie, Liz Ahern! I'm thinking Putin will be our next president, and maybe before this one ends his stupid destructive term in office. IDK what we can do; it's scary as heck.
Trump surrendered the citizens of the USA did not but we do wonder about why the military has failed in its duty to remove a president who has surrendered to Russia without our consent!
I have no doubt there will be a period of not just protests but major rioting as more of the American public wake up to the havoc, corruption and betrayal of tRump/Musk.
But as the authoritarian wannabe tRump will declare martial law at the 1st opportunity, then all bets for America's future are off
What Trump is doing is illegal. The Budapest Memorandum prohibits such actions.
The memoranda, **prohibited Russia, the United States, the United Kingdom and France from** **threatening or using military force** **or economic coercion** against Ukraine,
IMHO this is the message. He's not showing strength, he's not laying down the law, he's not demanding the US be compensated for its contributions. He's pathetic and weak and is capitulating to Putin. He just wraps it in bluster to confuse his followers on that point.
This is good but I’m not sure why we keep characterising it as a “war between”..? It’s not. It was a Russian invasion and attempted annexation of Ukraine, an attack by Russia on Ukraine. Ukrainian measures exist only in defence. I don’t know how we turn this mischaracterisation around..!
And while Putin uses North Korea for support, it threatens anyone who militarily aids Ukraine with nukes. Like, you could invade a country and not expect any retaliation. It really is unfortunate that the US hasn't worked on a way to nullify the nuclear threat that authoritarian countries use.
Let this be clear … the United States is NO LONGER the leader of the free world. That moniker now belongs to the UK and France, and 2 highly normal, fiercely loyal friends of democracy. The White House is now a branch of the Kremlin.
Why is no one talking about the fact that Russia has broken the "Trilateral Statement" and, the "Budapest Memorandum"? These were signed by the United States, United Kingdom and Russia. Russia agreed not to invade or take military action against Ukraine. The US agree to support Ukraine if they did.
We (the USA) have a responsibility to keep our word and prevent dictator destruction of democracy. Such a sad time in history for our people and our country. People don’t see it but, the dismantling of governments distributed power is how dictators take over. Next step is for them to disarm us.
♦️Everybody they are pushing for an audit of the paper votes yay! They're asking for your help please listen and share. If you can't listen you can read the pics for what to do. This is the best news!! 💜
Ukraine has made repeated efforts to be a member of NATO.
NATO meanwhile, continues to more concerned about Putin than about humans.
America surrendered.
It's just a fact.
It's just the factual truth and is why the meme is patently false.
The US we grew up with is gone.
One day, you will understand.
NATO has been denying Ukraine membership dating back to 2008.
That you whiff over the obvious leaves me unsure any day ever will see you understanding the depth of the shit we're in.
You can't even acknowledge that the US is now a subordinate of Russia.
Good luck and take care.
I don’t say this lightly.
Americans are responsible who believed Trump & Fox,knowing Fox paid 800 million for lying to Americans.
Americans lost way more than 800million.
They lost their souls & their country.
doesn't like investing in losers.
Did France asked for repayment for their Army/Navy against British in American Revolution?
US paid back France by freeing it from Nazi German. It's honor & loyalty, values Trump doesn't have
I've not given up on the USA.
Because I know there are good people there.
Czech Republic
North Macedonia
Trump is on a treasonous rampage, setting Musk to sabotage our infrastructure, Hegseth our military capability, RJK our health, and the rest to cut us off from our allies
thank you for speaking up and for solidarity.
#Korea divided nation
#Vietnam abandoned
#Gulf caused lasting divide
#Afganistan abandoned
#Iraq caused rise of ISIS
#Ukraine didn't even dare enter but abandoned within weeks of 2025.
#America The Brave, not really.
Thanks for nothing.
France didn't surrender, we just switched side :D
(just joking, I get what you mean)
the White House.
United States of Soviet RUSSIApublicans.
50 states, 50 protest, 1 day
Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.
~ Diderot
This country has never been weak, spineless and quitters.
We are or were a country of fighters. Right?
Fuck Elon Musk
Fuck JD Vance
Fuck every spineless Republican
and last and so very least because he is a TOOL, a TOY for all the above, Donald Trump.
I'm very sorry.
But, this is gonna hurt.
A lot.
And it will be a bloody one.
Good will always triumph over evil.
Given a long enough timeline.
Capitalism isn't exactly the best option we had
The billionaires we have can end world hunger but rather keep the money themselves.
America destroyed the Indians, people living in harmony with nature for greed
Ukrainians will die today
Trump surrendered, on our behalf, without the permission of the people.
By A14.3 he is illegally occupying the seat of president, since congress has not overturned the disability.
Moreover, he did not win legitimately.
#verifythevote #ElectionTruthAlliance
The world will never forget
But too many Americans are not even paying attention
Murdoch is a Putin ally. Make no mistake.
Hateful, racist, homophonic shiny keys.
we have traitors in the white house
But as the authoritarian wannabe tRump will declare martial law at the 1st opportunity, then all bets for America's future are off
The memoranda, **prohibited Russia, the United States, the United Kingdom and France from** **threatening or using military force** **or economic coercion** against Ukraine,
The democrats in congress still stand firmly with Ukraine and our allies.
Has never served military duty in War
It’s easy to surrender
Episode 59: Trump & Vance Read Zelensky the Riot Act (in Perfect Russian)
Available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Sweatify, the new platform for people who perspire.
#Trump #Vance #Zelensky
or by US siding with Russia in a war against NATO.
Because Trump looks at one thing only.
I'll say no more.
Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦🖖🇺🇲
The official language of the US will very shortly be Russian.