To an extent, artists need to stop using twitter as a means to "reach their audience", it's straight-up bullshit from what I've experienced and this site feels more friendly to artists, and to a greater extent, other people.
Twitter is a rotten website.
To an extent, artists need to stop using twitter as a means to "reach their audience", it's straight-up bullshit from what I've experienced and this site feels more friendly to artists, and to a greater extent, other people.
Twitter is a rotten website.
From my own experience;
- my tweets have only reached 10% - 15% of my audience at best, with most of the other support coming from RTs and sharing around.
- tweets worded in certain ways (let's say, check this link, for example) will be ghosted, so the tweet won't even reach my audience.
- the atmosphere of twitter has always been a negative one, only amplified by how much it, in its current state, condones contrarian, pessimistic, and in general, deliberately divisive content. It's depressing, not helped by people fueling that burn.
As an artist, and from interacting over the years with people, I can say this is NOT why I wanted to be an artist at all, much less an artist on twitter.
I am better off leaving that site, and I feel, if you are an artist too, I heavily implore you do the same.
Much love, & fuck twitter. <3
Like cool story but there would be more numbers over here & for 3rd party if we all collectively JUMP. It won't happen til we make it happen.
Twitter has become more and more a place where the smaller profiles are censored while hate and “numbers go up” mentality is encouraged
-and I hate it for that