I find their choices kinda funny. The three Links on Switch, one of them twice. And then, to throw older folks a bone, the very first Link ever. Nothing inbetween
AoL, LttP, og LADX, OoT, MM, and Minish Cap are all on NSO and thus equally as accessible as LoZ Link. I get why they don’t have e.g. LBW Link because it’s not on Switch. But if they wanted a wider spread, they could have picked some other oldies out
I was aware of the series from the start, but Link to the Past was where the series first really clicked with me. Link’s Awakening has my favorite story. And Breath of the Wild is a serious contender for my favorite game of all time.
I dont remember which was my very first Zelda game, one of the Gameboy Color ones I think, but I do remember that Twilight Princess was the first that really resonated with me and really made me a fan.
Before that they were just kinda something to play lol
If I'm honest, I probably would have played it and loved it, but my DS mic was broken and I couldn't get past the tutorial lmao. All I could do was play the final boss, cause the previous owner got that far.
Aw man! It was released in the Wii U virtual console. But sadly we have not seen Nintendo utilize, say, turning the Switch sideways, to replicate a DS.
My first Zelda was the Adventure of Link on the NES. Spent many hours trying to beat that game as a kid. Never could as I always got stuck right before the final palace. Years later, as an adult, I did finally beat that game. Still one of my favorite Zelda games. Second only to Twilight Princess.
Started my adventure with the OG Legend of Zelda (that fine lad in the center). Fell in love right from the jump and never looked back. Except for Tri Force adventures. 👀
It was Link to the Past. I haven't beaten it, but my brother did. I'm trying to get as far as I can in it before I get Echoes of Wisdom because they're both top-down Zelda titles.
I was there for the original Legend of Zelda, and kept my letter from Nintendo of America congratulating me for beating Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link, where it was made clear that there was no future Zelda game in the works (haha), but to keep reading Nintendo Power for the latest updates.
Annnd I feel quite old. 😅
Where is N64 Link… I started with that one
Would love a remake of the original.
Before that they were just kinda something to play lol
Oracle of Seasons and Minish Cap are basically tied for my favorite in the series! <3
Which everyone knows is peak gaming