Which is more Christlike?
1: Spending taxpayer's money to purchase Bibles that students are forced to read.
2: Passing legislation providing students with breakfast and lunch so that they don't starve?
I know which one sounds more like Jesus to me, but I just want to make sure I'm not insane.
1: Spending taxpayer's money to purchase Bibles that students are forced to read.
2: Passing legislation providing students with breakfast and lunch so that they don't starve?
I know which one sounds more like Jesus to me, but I just want to make sure I'm not insane.
2 would have been the Saduccees and Jesus would be looking at you all weird like.
It was customary to simply make food available. You could walk by someone's garden and pick fruit or nuts. It wasn't considered theft.
The good works of the people of the book sell the message of the book, that people then want to read.
Having 'The Bible' forced down your throat is a big turn off.
What is wrong with these people!