The word “Evangelical “ has become synonymous with child abuse, rape, pornography, racism, grift and hypocrisy. Perhaps those spouting the Bible should look up the qualifications of being a Christian.
One thing that’s true, and has been for a very long time, is that when God gets dragged into the secular world of politics and lies, the people that do the dragging get thoroughly corrupted.
Horrific to the child and their precious memories for life.
How do churches heal from those monsters hiding within its institutions they are asked to trust?
Churches need regular reviews & psych tests, & accountability of its employees like companies try to implement.
Typical Trump evangelical who is against abortion, but not against being a child rapist, do they have the death penalty in that state? Could save a lot of money
Give him a gasoline bath dry him off with a lit match! Piece of shit! …an American citizen, not a migrant, committing the most brutal crime involving kids!!
That I can respect. I notice the article says the case sat cold since 2007 though, so I assume the police were at their normal, glue-eating bests on this one.
That's because they've been spending all their time trying to convince the public that trans women and drag queens are the predators while allowing the real predators to continue sexually assaulting children.
With everything you post (and you know I love that you do), do you ever think about how prisons are like a really evil and stupid church now? It’s like you can’t even walk through genpop anymore without getting converted. 😂🤮
Sending your kids to church risks them being a victim of sex abuse, sending them to school risks them being murdered in a school shooting or indoctrinated by an over zealous fake Christian. Only place in America that is safe for them is under parental supervision, even that can be dangerous for them
Oh my a god! I stopped going to church during the 2016 election cuz I couldn't understand why people who say they're close to God (Draw Near to God and he will draw near to you) couldn't see through Trump. And then there's this shit. I just stay home Sunday now.
Every second story about religion and religious people is child abuse. No surprises here; just the continuing disappointment that religion still exists and perpetuates such atrocities.
In a "normal" prison, his prospects would be stark: Either a shank in his neck or femoral artery in the chow hall line, or repeated anal violations by those who hate rapists and cho-mos but paradoxically violate them. He's old, so he's not sexually desirable. And this is Alabama so 1/#
Look just because you call the rigid enmeshed psycho-sexual family system you have a “religion”. Doesn’t mean whipping children on their naked bodies is a good way to bring up sexuality healthy well-adjusted adults.
Ritual sexual child abuse as religion has consequences in society. Tax exempt.
And MAGA is outraged over Transgender people. MAGA the cult of the 🍊Felon and pedophiles…and they are the ones making it legal to marry underage girls/children…😡
"in Grundy County, Tennessee, Pitts faces four more sex-related charges in that state, including statutory rape, two counts of sexual battery, and statutory rape"
It's seems to me we have an old white Christian male problem. The authorities need to round them up and put them in concentration camps because they probably are also eating dogs and cats.
He might not survive in prison anyway, but who knows. I think these scumbags should get life and specific surgeries, or, at the very least, the chemical kind that they wrongfully gave to Alan Turing.
OH NO! The groomers are at it again. THIS is another reason why these groomers need no tax breaks, no buildings, no books , no respect and no say in our society. RELIGION is pure evil and any and everyone involved in it. Disgusting creatures.
When he reaches Hell he will look back on the good old days of feeling Bubba ramming it up his behind. There is a special place for people like this and you should pray you never earn the right to go there. ☮️
How do churches heal from those monsters hiding within its institutions they are asked to trust?
Churches need regular reviews & psych tests, & accountability of its employees like companies try to implement.
Ritual sexual child abuse as religion has consequences in society. Tax exempt.
Tell me again how HypoChristians have any right lecturing anyone about morality.
"And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?"
Enjoy the shower, holy man.
"The case was first reported to police in 2007"
"in Grundy County, Tennessee, Pitts faces four more sex-related charges in that state, including statutory rape, two counts of sexual battery, and statutory rape"
20 years is not enough.