I know that any profile can be an abuser, but religious leaders, law enforcement seem to be overloaded. For that matter just really right wing thinking white males.
I bet he votes Ratpublican! And if he pulled this shit in a church, someone needs to check on his kids! Monsters like this usually perfect their kink at home before taking their act on the road!
No wonder very few people I know bother to go to church anymore or celebrate any type of religion. Our faith is of our own. Our higher power is our own.
It is significantly less surprising that a baptist pastor was sexually abusing a child in church than it is that a Montana jury would hold him accountable. America.
It's irresponsible & negligent 4 parents 2 trust & leave their children alone w/clergy, folks who claim 2 speak & write 4 invisible beings. Because it is an undeserved & unwarranted trust, especially in the face of evidence 2 the contrary!
Demand proof b4 accepting claims of any kind, damn it!
At least fixing these deviants would keep them from reoffending.
The sentence, which is usually too short, doesn't stop these creeps, it seems. It's not like they try to rehabilitate anyone inside, not like it would help anyway.
Where there is one, then two, there are more! I hope he is awaiting in a jail cell! Pure piece of shit right here. When will people learn? Do not leave your children alone at churches. That’s where they are.
Evil fucks!
The child is scarred for life
Or maybe we do not know about the other abuses that may come.
Every day. Every single day.
ANOTHER holier than thou, judgey, FAKE Christian, white male.
Demand proof b4 accepting claims of any kind, damn it!
Are you paying attention yet?
The sentence, which is usually too short, doesn't stop these creeps, it seems. It's not like they try to rehabilitate anyone inside, not like it would help anyway.
Oopsies I mean innocent!🍌