Honestly, I lost respect for her for the way she spells her name. I can't take the opinions of someone named "Ryleigh" seriously. It's even worse than being named Nevaeh or Rehtaeh.
I dong have one drop of sympathy! Way too many selfish people! Like you’d unleash Trump on this country so you don’t have to pay for IVF! I hop you never have a baby lady!
All republicans want lgbtq dead. So do democrats and liberals. The democrats only care about their billionaire owners. 79 93 09 trifectas didn't bother to codify row. We must care about eachother as human beings as comrades. Down with the American empire. An ally to the end. Solidarity forever.
She's been alive long enough to know that if Shitler's mouth is open, it's lying. Might want to research voting records a little more before believing anything that's coming out of Republican LaLa Land.
Tots and pears.
but, ........ I ran out 8 years ago for T.S. [Trump Stupidity].
Fuck her.
-her mom