So I woke up with a foggy head, runny nose and a super sore throat - basically Lauren Boebert after a musical production that children attend.
So - gimme your best cold remedies. I have a feeling I’m gonna need them.
So - gimme your best cold remedies. I have a feeling I’m gonna need them.
Rest and Apple Juice for me!
Then, Sambucol Elderberry syrup -at any drugstore, make sure it's that brand, just the plain syrup, no other stuff. Tablespoon 2x daily. Works wonders ( there's data).
+ Epsom salt baths.
double whiskey & table spoon warm honey
halls menthol cough drops
blanky comfy chair
the Longest Day or Once Upon a Time in the West
something 2 1/2 3hrs long for napping
sweat it out take steamy shower
repeat as needed
There are still around 1200 people dying a week from covid, not that the media bothers to cover it any more.
Throat more accurate, shows positive faster.
Works for almost any malady.
I don't know what is in them but they are goddamn magical*.
Steep 5 min
Drink as hot as you can
Breath the steam
High doses of vitamin C 10-20k milligrams
Move around a little
Homemade chicken soup if available or bone broth
Take a break from online
Feel better 💐
Or you know a shot of whiskey also helps.
Put a towel over your head & breathe in the steam.
Some hot broth (any kind) with a few shakes of hot sauce works wonders for me as well.
Hot lemon tea....with a little scotch in it if you prefer....
Then the usual Advil for aches, fever, etv
And rest. Your body will make you sleep, like it or not.
Feel better!!
Chamomile, licorice, lemongrass, ginger.
Runny nose -> dial down your milk intake. It will make it less worse.
I love Pho for soup. Hearty, delicious, filling, but chicken noodles or just extra noodles are good as well.
also good for a cold
I’m old fashioned and tend to stick with vitamin C, chicken noodle soup, and tea with honey.
And if you are really dying-Orange Sherbet. My mother’s remedy.
I hope you feel better soon!
Once fully sick, Neo Citran, Tylenol Cold & Zinc lozenges (along with Cepacol or Ricola) get me by
And probably some whiskey 😉
At least we’re predictable!
A mix of just lemon and honey 2 to 3 times a day should knock the cold out.
A dose of oregano spirits and cold-eze lozenges always kills any flu bug within 24hrs.
Might sound like an odd combo but you can try boiling cola with slices of ginger and lemon to drink.
The statements from this account have not been evaluated by the FDA and should not be used to treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Discuss any changes to your medication with your doctor before taking any advice from strangers in the Internet. Your mileage may vary.
It's not pretty, but it'll give you just enough juice to push through a day lol
It’s called a hot toddy
You will sweat it out overnight
Gargle with warm salt water to help your throat
You need two pairs. 1 pair cotton, 1 pair wool. Before bed, take a bath to warm up your feet. Soak the cotton socks in very cold water. Put them on your feet and cover them with the dry wool socks. It will help break up mucus overnight and jumpstart your immune system
They make clean off meds
Cough syrup.cold crush,n flu fix
Cheers feel.better
Lots of zinc,vit c ,warm on w honey
Do u have any elderberry syrup. Be warned it is super drying.
These gummies are amazing if you like orange
If it isn't strep it can still be bacterial, and
then you will need antibiotics, cough syrup
and plenty of rest.
Stay hydrated as well. Tea, and water.