I hear you on this argument. One thing that needs to be mentioned in pro life circles is how to get those young women to feel confident in a future of raising children. We have to be pro-lifetime not just pro life. Thanks for the input.
MAGA: "She was close to age, so its cool", "we love Russia too" and "Putin had the old Soviet Union "taken" from him, so what's wrong with him wanting back?" We are not going in a good direction.
You may be waiting a long time for any spines to sprout up among Rs in the Senate or House. They have multiple reasons to push back but most won't. We may be doomed in the short term.
Look at the pillars of conservatives from the late 80s all the way up until let’s call it 2010. It’s hard to call any of what exists today conservative ism or a republican party that is a fiscally responsible or looks out for anyone below a tax bracket.
Other Pro-Life Republicans in the Senate should come out against RFK Jr but they are cowards, for the most part. Isn't it a pity. We are truly seeing them for who they are. This is scary. What happens if, down the road, Trump starts playing around with our Constitution and needs a vote?
Because as everyone knows, Pence has a lot of cred with the MAGAs, who, let's face it, are the only ones on that side of the aisle who count right now.
How can anybody be pro-life and anti-vaccine? Are they that ignorant? They've already been vaccinated.
JFK went to Samoa with his anti-VAX talk and then something like 36 kids died from the measles. That's not pro-life. It's insanity. Complicit in murder? In a sense.
But let’s be clear…he doesn’t oppose him because he’s a rabid anti-vaxxer and conspiracy theorist who is dangerous to public health. He opposes him because he doesn’t think he goes far enough in controlling women and their bodies.
No one cares about Mike Pence's opinions. But the fake Christian Republicans do care about their authoritarian leader's opinion and will abide by his choices. I hope I'm wrong but I think they're spineless.
RFK is dead. Please don't use that moniker. This is Robert Kennedy Jr we are dealing with, and RFK jr is an undeserved honorific. He is a punchline, not a statesman.
Doesn't he realize that anyone working for Trump has to pledge ultimate fealty and sell their soul? So RFK Jr's previous pro-choice positions will be thrown out the window anyway.
These old Trump loyalist who have now come out against him do nothing but piss me off. They had an opportunity during his two impeachments to stop this and they did not.
Lol. He wants to get rid of toxic vaccines that contain mercury and lead. And people lived on raw milk from cows and goats for centuries. It ain't that bad.
So, I guess the anti-vax conspiracies, the brain worm, the dead bear in Central Park and his utter lack of qualifications weren’t deal breakers for ol’ Mike?
The risks to the fetus from diseases like rubella, listeria etc..that we would see more of if RFKJr does what he wants to -should be upsetting to pro-life also
At least Pence found a piece of his conscience. A “pro-life” statesman should not be supported a nominee who literally gets innocent people killed from his ignorance. https://youtu.be/Ut4Br9oTJgo?si=uWeSeKdQV9rnRczT
That Pencie Poo came out against RFK Jr because “prolife” but not against Matt Gaetz for being a sex trafficking rapist of an underage girl says so much. He’s still spinelessly pathetic.
Think about it.... Current @senategop.bsky.social is absolutely fine that Shitler ignored news that Pence was in danger on J6. You think they give a sh*t what his opinion is on anything?
Trump will wreck the Republican Party unless the old guard Old Dutch Republicans push back and find common ground with the Democrats to resist the insanity
I predict the semi or once democrats will NOT get confirmed. as they will say you cannot trust a traitor. HE/SHE sells thier soul to highest bidder. AKA FAUX NEWS.
One concern you won’t hear from the pro lifers is that people will die because of his views on vaccines.
Just showing they are not pro-life, they are pro subjugation of women.
Hi. Pro life atheist here. Thought you might like to know that RFK is not an anti-vaxxer. He wants to remove heavy metals from vaccines to prevent potential life long illnesses like allergies, autism, and more. He also wants to adopt several European food additive bans to increase health.
Even the article says that Kennedy wants vaccines rigorously tested. Not once does it mention a double blind study researching vaccine injuries. Heavy metals in vaccines like mercury and lead have the potential to stay in the brain forever.
"There are no safe vaccines." If someone says that, consistently opposes, spreads misinformation, and attempts to dismantle programs for vaccines then they are "anti-vaccine" regardless of how they or anyone else sees them.
Hey Rich! Thanks for the input. Now I know this is a pretty good nuance position, but what if, he is anti vaccine injury, and other people interpret his questions as anti vaccine completely? It is actually in the law that vaccine makers can not be prosecuted for injuries from their products.
Wish there were more critical thinkers who can look at the big picture instead of sticking to a single issue. The guy could potentially bring back polio, measles, etc. and has no medical background to support the CDC, NIH but here we go with abortion again
This won't register at all with his sychophantic people - Pence is irrelevant. Likely hope there is no retribution against him for not complying with trump in 2020.
He should have stated all trumps crimes on Jan 7th and never shut up about trumps treasonous actions. But noooooooooooooooooo this complacent looser is just as guilty of planning or not preventing a takeover! Lock them all up.
I honestly don't give a fuck. Less than 50K low info low propensity voters (in other words, participation trophy dumbasses) in 3 swing states determined this fuckery. Let them deal with their own shit from their own racism and misogyny. I just want to be left alone because fuckin eggs
A rhetorical question indeed. The GOP's actions often seem to suggest a lack of consistent principles, and Pence speaking out publicly feels like an anomaly in a party where loyalty to certain figures often outweighs ideology. Now I wonder is it a rare stand for integrity, or just a calculated move?
This is what 45 wants. A big battle royale as a loyalty test.
This actually gives me more hope, believe it or not-- we were all worried he'd be "more prepared" to do his worst were he re-elected, but he's forever doomed to be a giant shit show. We'll get through this.
Entire letter at link
“Dear Madam Vice President.
This is my second Duty to Warn Letter regarding hacking of the 2024 Presidential Election. The first letter on November 7 was directed to Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Officials. https://substack.com/home/post/p-151717820
Anti-Choice is not pro-life- I know you are aware of that but once the Pro-Life tag was ceded decades ago by Dems& women rather than what it really is, Anti-Choice they lost the branding/marketing war&have been playing catch up ever since-We need women U.S. senators&House members to pass a bill➡️1/2
2/2 MEN who impregnate woman out of wedlock or being unfaithful to their wives must have a vasectomy-If they refuse to support the child after impregnating a woman they have to submit to chemical castration-We need to box in these misogynist&religious men &let them appeal it up to SCOTUS&box them in
It seems 'Mother' has eased her iron grip on Mikey's widdle scroties just long enough for him to squeak out a protest... Whether anyone else notices is open to conjecture.
In this climate, Mike Pence is best served retiring from public view. He still doesn't get it. It's not a chant anymore, that's what they want to do. Some of these nominations might be smokescreens.
This is where everyone realizes Trump was conning them, just running for President to stay out of prison. Not because he plans on keeping any campaign promises at all.
I’m no RFK fan and think he’s completely incompetent and a joke but let’s not paint this dude or others as any type of hero because they’d prefer someone who would strip MORE rights from women.
And here I thought it was coming out against him because he’s a moron. He’s a lawyer. He knows nothing about public health, but of course it’s about women’s healthcare. That is none of either one of their business.
Operative words: 'in the Senate.' Mike has nothing to lose anymore. The GOP cowards are too afraid of being on Trump's retribution list. No integrity or honor left.
JFK went to Samoa with his anti-VAX talk and then something like 36 kids died from the measles. That's not pro-life. It's insanity. Complicit in murder? In a sense.
They only care about power. They are power-hungry, greedy nihilists who will say and do whatever it takes to get power and line their pockets.
RFK is dead. Please don't use that moniker. This is Robert Kennedy Jr we are dealing with, and RFK jr is an undeserved honorific. He is a punchline, not a statesman.
And yes the bar is low.
Gaetz is going to make sure they will have a new breeding age of 12 yr olds of "handmaidens!"
Just showing they are not pro-life, they are pro subjugation of women.
This actually gives me more hope, believe it or not-- we were all worried he'd be "more prepared" to do his worst were he re-elected, but he's forever doomed to be a giant shit show. We'll get through this.
“Dear Madam Vice President.
This is my second Duty to Warn Letter regarding hacking of the 2024 Presidential Election. The first letter on November 7 was directed to Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Officials.
Good for him.
Where was he with his coming out against BEFORE the election?
They wanted to hang him, not to mention end democracy.
before they erase it or ban books written about the 45th president