It has been so profoundly exhausting worrying about what’s to become of the US, it’s easy to forget we have strength in numbers. There are now >20 mil blue butterflies. Those in the US should call their Senators & demand they use their power and confirm only qualified people. It can move the needle.
It looks like the heat on Matt Gaetz got too much, and he withdrew his name for AG. He needs the heat kept on him. The truth must come out about this guy and all the others who think they can get away from sexual abuse and other allegations. His supporters who know who he is are also guilty.
headed for the golf course.
He’s just taking a holiday vacation & evading legal charges!! Plus scoring more points with Trump!
Let’s not be stupid!! He’s coming back in month with no consequences.
We need to throw a monkey wrench in!
Who do YOU want to see next in 🤡trump🤡's dustbin of cabinet nominees?
People want Peace not endless wars.
Study more.