The moon, seen from the earth, happens to look about as large as the sun, that's why we get anular eclipses and diamond rings on earth. The earth, seen from the moon, is much larger. How would that create a diamond ring?
That's what I was thinking. The earth would completely block out the sun. Besides how did they get the pic of the earth from the moon? Do we have any live cameras on the moon pointing at earth?
Earth’s atmosphere is being illuminated by sunlight and also refracting it. The refraction is also the same reason we see the moon as dull red rather than black during total lunar eclipse.
It was taken by the recently launched Blue Ghost Lander.
It's clearly a solar eclipse, not a lunar eclipse viewed from the moon. I was confused at first too. Probably better phrased as "eclipse caused by earth / eclipse caused by moon."
The image of the eclipse from the moon can not be correct, during the eclipse as the earth is bigger then the sun from the moons perspective it would completely block out the sun with no diamond ring effect. How is the image on the right obtained? Looks like a total solar eclipse viewed from earth.
As you can clearly see in the second picture, the dark disc of the Earth *is* much larger than the bright disc of the Sun. But the Earth has an atmosphere, and the refraction through the atmosphere is what produces the diamond ring in the picture. I hope that helps! 🙂👍
It was taken by the recently launched Blue Ghost Lander.