Today is The Bad Day for queer and trans Americans. I have nothing left to say about it, except that this will always be an aggressively LGBTQ+ account until they tear me down screaming, punching, and biting.
We uplift each other and stand by each other here. Solidarity to the end, you hear me?
We uplift each other and stand by each other here. Solidarity to the end, you hear me?
U will outlive them.
They will do A LOT of damage tho, both to your country, queer folks nd probably the whole world.
It won't be an easy ride and can possibly lead to very dark consequences, but still, giving up is not an option.
Things change. Nothing lasts. Just keep living
You better be putting your physical bodies where your mouth is, squarely between us and them. Tip LGBTQ+ artists. Repost our voices. Tell your own to shut the fuck up because what they said ain't cool.
We're watching.