Both from my personal experience and a tragic number of my friends (including one who I’m supporting through the end of her marriage for related reasons I won’t go into here).
Consent is consent. It’s not that hard, and if it’s only with pressure it’s not consent.
It's normal to be nervous but if it's nervous worry more so than nervous excitement there might be something wrong there to examine.
Or if you're nervous about things like "doing good" or not "making mistakes" that's normal at first and is something that goes away with time and confidence.
So, can’t the feeling of dangerous be connected with some inner personal trauma, not with a person you trust? Like, it’s my daily routine “convincing others wouldn’t hurt me”. And the reason isn’t in some particular person in my life, it’s just consequences of my past
Of course! This is based on a personal experience of mine, but it can happend from any source
These are just some examples about how consent is more complex that we think
being pressured into something is not consent. its coercion. whether its being pressured into doing something mundane or being pressured into something intimate, its all coercion. if someone says no to anything, ACCEPT IT. they have their reasons for saying no. always respect boundaries. please.
The top right one is consent. It's not healthy, but you don't get to consent but not-consent in your mind and hold other people responsible for it. The bottom two are internal monologues, I think. Be an adult and use your words to say what you actually mean.
I hope your words come a good place. The message here is not just to blame the other person (which depends on what people think would be fair) but to raise awareness on the people that may be convincing themselves to do something they don't really want due to preassure
Now if you ask my personal opinion, I think having someone consent after preassuring them like in the second panel is not very nice. If they say ni or seem hesitant, you have your answer
i've been through that last one multiple times and the fear of someone else experiencing it has led to (among other things) me being terrified of ever making the first move with someone
The night i went to break up with him, he still asked. I said no. He said "but please" i said no. He said "i love you pretty please" i said no. He said "come onnnnn" i said no. He asked one more time, i said okay.
This is not consent. This was only the last time
I've dealt with guys in the second panel. I always blow up on em, but it's a damn shame that they do that because they get their way sometimes like that. Truly disgusting.
This is based on a personal experience. I thought maybe some people may relate to it, and it could help those going through something similar know they are not alone and not to blame themselves 💖
As a grown and mature man, I've never had to convince a woman to have sex. Men need to know: if a woman wants sex she will let them know. It isn't rocket science.
Exactly. Even with the surprise of "implied consent", there's either been abundant discussion prior, or they barely resist giggling when you make a move.
True resistance is always obvious, and should be needed.
Both from my personal experience and a tragic number of my friends (including one who I’m supporting through the end of her marriage for related reasons I won’t go into here).
Consent is consent. It’s not that hard, and if it’s only with pressure it’s not consent.
P.S. Totally agree with other cases (1,2,4)
Or if you're nervous about things like "doing good" or not "making mistakes" that's normal at first and is something that goes away with time and confidence.
These are just some examples about how consent is more complex that we think
This is not consent. This was only the last time
Freely Given
Reversible (or Revocable)
I love how much more talking there is around giving consent!
Sex is WAY better when everyone involved is informed!
Also, your art is very cute ❤️
How was the reaction?
Thank you for this comic.
It needs to be enthusiastic consent
True resistance is always obvious, and should be needed.