Maddy and I have been mainlining Jurassic Park movies so the biological urge to draw this thing became overriding. Have a tyrannosaur. Something I weirdly haven't drawn in over a decade.
Don't @ me over realism either. The Jurassic Park t-rex is one of the best movie monsters put to screen.
Don't @ me over realism either. The Jurassic Park t-rex is one of the best movie monsters put to screen.
As odd as this might sound, I've never thought of the T-Rex as a "movie monster" despite how many times I've seen these films, but now that you've spelled it out like that, I'm like "yeah... it IS." ✨
And don't worry about the people who care too much about "accuracy." They can't enjoy anything.
Props to those people who've been putting "scientifically accurate" dinosaurs into the films on youtube and the like, but yeah, I'd hate to not be able to separate the two and enjoy it for what it is.