As the old guard fades and democracy is under siege, the next generation of Democratic leaders is missing in action: who will step up and fight?
They should be kicking screaming fighting a regime of oligarchs and christo fascists from getting the keys. Instead - they fucking are waving white flags.
No where.
I do believe in a strategy of sitting back and letting the GOP self-distruct. But at some point, the new leadership, whomever it may be, needs to show up and pounce.
The Democrats have a strong bench to tap from.
But I think VP Harris should be excused from this criticism for the 5 weeks she has been recovering and refreshing herself after an exhausting, disappointing campaign.
She is starting to emerge.
Your unforgiving criticism of her on FSTV was painful to view.
Please do amplify any voices coming to the aid of democracy and our republic.
But old fart Connolly w the help of old fart Pelosi prevented her. The old Dems wont let go & they have learned nothing after the likes of old farts Feinstein, Biden & Ginsberg etc. Dems are their own worst enemy.
I know you have been at the forefront of this fight for a long time!