Doug Ford Claims He’s Made the Biggest Healthcare Investments in the ‘History of the Country’. Nurses Say That’s ‘Misleading’
Ford made misleading claims about healthcare in leader’s debate, nursing association says.
Ford made misleading claims about healthcare in leader’s debate, nursing association says.
#spa-tax #no-healthcarePRIVITIZATION #onpoli #VOTeFORdOuT
Trust me !
That's how I do the news now - scan headline and preamble, make own assumption, chirp it out and move on.
Topical business guy and they wonder why Mangione did what he did!
The word you're looking for is 'lies'.
By the way, the word isn’t misleading - it’s a lie.
They will sell out Canada to dementia done faster than a slap shot
Not unlike PP, really.
Reliably too.