They are now actively removing portraits and erasing mentions of women - including white women - throughout the entire federal government while a convicted sexual abuser occupies the White House with the support of tens of millions of people. But that Barbie movie sure was something!!
Maybe borderline schizophrenia?
ok no more women lol
The gender gap leading up to last year's election was the smallest in many years.
You just can't help some people.
#OverturnTheElection #JailThemAll #IcelandDidIt #KoreaDidIt #SeizeTheirAssets #WhyTheFuckAreWeStillWaiting
Even convinced the most sheep-like to go around calling everyone else sheep. Every accusation is an admission.
I’ve read posts from multiple women who say they personally have been erased.
Discounting women helped get us where we are.
I would be taking that paper down. And yes, I would go to jail for it happily.
About a week later, they gave her 3 hours to leave her military housing.
Wrote: it's a lie.
Unless Americans grow a spine or develop the stomach to say NO to Trump our rogue POTUS will continue to defy the will of the people & abuse the powers of his office. We MUST hold him accountable or things will get worse
And the sexual predator wants Canada to comply and join his demented and corrupt government…Thats some messed up shit, eh!
Reversing rights and going back half a century does not look good on any first world nation, but not surprising in the U.S..